Structures tutorial

You can use IDA to interactively define and manipulate structures in the disassembly.

Sample program

Consider this simple sample C program:

#include <stdio.h>

struct client {
  char code;
  long id;
  char name[32];
  client *next;

void print_clients(client *ptr) {
  while ( ptr != NULL ) {
    printf("ID: %4ld Name: %-32s\n",ptr->id,ptr->name);
    ptr = ptr->next;

Standard disassembly

Here is the disassembly with no structures defined, as IDA automatically generates it:

.text:0000000180011690 ; void __fastcall print_clients(client *ptr)
.text:0000000180011690 ?print_clients@@YAXPEAUclient@@@Z proc near
.text:0000000180011690                                         ; CODE XREF: print_clients(client *)↑j
.text:0000000180011690                                         ; DATA XREF: .pdata:000000018001E800↓o
.text:0000000180011690 ptr             = qword ptr  10h
.text:0000000180011690                 mov     [rsp-8+ptr], rcx
.text:0000000180011695                 push    rbp
.text:0000000180011696                 push    rdi
.text:0000000180011697                 sub     rsp, 0E8h
.text:000000018001169E                 lea     rbp, [rsp+20h]
.text:00000001800116A3                 lea     rcx, __57CB66E6_entry@cpp ; JMC_flag
.text:00000001800116AA                 call    j___CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode
.text:00000001800116AF loc_1800116AF:                          ; CODE XREF: print_clients(client *)+5F↓j
.text:00000001800116AF                 cmp     [rbp+0D0h+ptr], 0
.text:00000001800116B7                 jz      short loc_1800116F1
.text:00000001800116B9                 mov     rax, [rbp+0D0h+ptr]
.text:00000001800116C0                 add     rax, 8
.text:00000001800116C4                 mov     r8, rax
.text:00000001800116C7                 mov     rax, [rbp+0D0h+ptr]
.text:00000001800116CE                 mov     edx, [rax+4]
.text:00000001800116D1                 lea     rcx, _Format    ; "ID: %4ld Name: %-32s\n"
.text:00000001800116D8                 call    j_printf
.text:00000001800116DD                 mov     rax, [rbp+0D0h+ptr]
.text:00000001800116E4                 mov     rax, [rax+28h]
.text:00000001800116E8                 mov     [rbp+0D0h+ptr], rax
.text:00000001800116EF                 jmp     short loc_1800116AF
.text:00000001800116F1 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00000001800116F1 loc_1800116F1:                          ; CODE XREF: print_clients(client *)+27↑j
.text:00000001800116F1                 lea     rsp, [rbp+0C8h]
.text:00000001800116F8                 pop     rdi
.text:00000001800116F9                 pop     rbp
.text:00000001800116FA                 retn
.text:00000001800116FA ?print_clients@@YAXPEAUclient@@@Z endp

Defining structures

In order to use meaningful names instead of numbers, we open the local types window and press insert to define a new structure type. Structure members can be added with the D key for data and the A key for ASCII strings or by editing the structure (Alt-E) and adding members using the "C syntax" of the "Edit type" dialog box. When the first method is used, when we add new structure members, IDA automatically names them. You can change any member’s name by pressing N.

struct client
  char code;
  int id;
  char name[32];
  client *next;

Improved disassembly

Finally, the defined structure type can be used to specify the type of an instruction operand. (menu Edit|Operand types|Struct offset).

.text:0000000180011690 ; void __fastcall print_clients(client *ptr)
.text:0000000180011690 ?print_clients@@YAXPEAUclient@@@Z proc near
.text:0000000180011690                                         ; CODE XREF: print_clients(client *)↑j
.text:0000000180011690                                         ; DATA XREF: .pdata:000000018001E800↓o
.text:0000000180011690 ptr             = qword ptr  10h
.text:0000000180011690                 mov     [rsp-8+ptr], rcx
.text:0000000180011695                 push    rbp
.text:0000000180011696                 push    rdi
.text:0000000180011697                 sub     rsp, 0E8h
.text:000000018001169E                 lea     rbp, [rsp+20h]
.text:00000001800116A3                 lea     rcx, __57CB66E6_entry@cpp ; JMC_flag
.text:00000001800116AA                 call    j___CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode
.text:00000001800116AF loc_1800116AF:                          ; CODE XREF: print_clients(client *)+5F↓j
.text:00000001800116AF                 cmp     [rbp+0D0h+ptr], 0
.text:00000001800116B7                 jz      short loc_1800116F1
.text:00000001800116B9                 mov     rax, [rbp+0D0h+ptr]
.text:00000001800116C0                 add     rax, 8
.text:00000001800116C4                 mov     r8, rax
.text:00000001800116C7                 mov     rax, [rbp+0D0h+ptr]
.text:00000001800116CE                 mov     edx, []
.text:00000001800116D1                 lea     rcx, _Format    ; "ID: %4ld Name: %-32s\n"
.text:00000001800116D8                 call    j_printf
.text:00000001800116DD                 mov     rax, [rbp+0D0h+ptr]
.text:00000001800116E4                 mov     rax, []
.text:00000001800116E8                 mov     [rbp+0D0h+ptr], rax
.text:00000001800116EF                 jmp     short loc_1800116AF
.text:00000001800116F1 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00000001800116F1 loc_1800116F1:                          ; CODE XREF: print_clients(client *)+27↑j
.text:00000001800116F1                 lea     rsp, [rbp+0C8h]
.text:00000001800116F8                 pop     rdi
.text:00000001800116F9                 pop     rbp
.text:00000001800116FA                 retn
.text:00000001800116FA ?print_clients@@YAXPEAUclient@@@Z endp

Last updated

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