Teams server
This manual describes the installation, management, and interaction with the key server-side components of the Teams deployment.
It is primarily intended for administrators, and will focus on the different servers that are part of Teams:
The Hex-Rays Vault server
The Lumina server
While we will (at least superficially) make use of the command-line clients that are used to access/manage those servers, this manual will not offer a detailed explanation of their usage: there are dedicated documents for that (e.g., the hv
user manual, the lc
user manual, …).
Let’s get started
The first server to install, and the one that is at the center of the Teams deployment, is the Hex-Rays Vault server.
It is recommended to have the hv user manual ready before proceeding.
After your purchase of Teams server, go to the customer portal, where you will find an installer for the Teams server (also called the "Hex-Rays Vault server"). Please go ahead and download it.
You will also need root
access on the host where you will be installing the server.
This chapter explains how to install two parts of Teams: the vault server, and a client.
We recommend installing a client first, to be able to connect to the server immediately after installation. The very first user to connect to the server becomes the administrator.
Installing clients
There are 2 Hex-Rays Vault clients:
: a command-line client (which we’ll use in this document)hvui
: a GUI interface to the server
Vault clients are bundled with IDA installers: simply run the IDA installer (if you haven't done it yet) and follow the instructions. That will install IDA, and the 2 clients next to it."
Installing the server
The Hex-Rays Vault server can be installed on Linux servers. We have tested it on Debian and Ubuntu, but other major flavors of Linux should be fine too.
To install the server, run the Hex-Rays Vault installer as root
and follow the instructions (the server will not require root
permissions; only the installer does.)
If your Linux system is based on systemd
(e.g., Debian/Ubuntu, Red-Hat, CentOS, …), it is recommended to let the installer create systemd units so that the server will start automatically at the next reboot.
Once the server is installed, it will be necessary to activate its license.
Activating the server license
In order for the Hex-Rays Vault server license to be activated, it must be bound to a Host ID (an Ethernet MAC address.)
From a command prompt, run /sbin/ifconfig
, and lookup the "ether" address for the network interface through which the server will be accessible.
In this case, our mac address is: bf:e2:91:10:58:d2
You will be able to activate both Hex-Rays Vault server and Lumina server in one activation if you have also the Host ID of your Lumina server.
Go to Hex-Rays customer portal and activate your license for Teams server. During that process, you will need to provide the MAC address of the device where the Teams server will be running. Once the activation is complete, you'll be able to download the following files:
teams server certificate
(license key)
Those need to be copied in the Hex-Rays Vault installation directory. As root
Creating the initial database
At this point, the server should be ready to run.
If your system is already in production and hosts files, skip this section. Using the --recreate-schema
option as in the example below, will re-create an empty database and lose all history.
On the first install, you will need to initialize the database the server will use:
Testing the server
Now that the server is installed and has a database to work with, we can test that it works:
Good, the server appears to run! (If you are observing more worrying messages than this one, please refer to the troubleshooting section.)
At this point, you may want to either let the server run, or stop it (Ctrl+C
will do) and restart it using systemd:
…and make sure it runs:
If you don’t see a running vault_server
process, please refer to the systemd
diagnostic tools (e.g., journalctl
) for more info.
Initial configuration
This chapter explains how to perform the initial configuration of the vault server.
For the sake of the examples below, we’ll imagine the following fictional group of users:
Jane Smith, the department admin/IT head
Fred Bloggs, senior reverse engineer
In addition, we’ll assume:
the company name is
the Hex-Rays Vault server has been installed on the company’s LAN, on the host
Creating the administrator
The very first user to log into the server becomes the first administrator. S/he can create new administrators and otherwise manage the server.
Once the server is up and running, login to server using a username and password of your choice (hv
is the vault client utility, it is installed as part of the client package.)
We will assume Jane installed IDA (and thus hv
) in /home/jane/idateams
Please note that there is no space between the command line switches and values.
Since Jane is the first user to login to the server, the credentials she provided, will be used to create the server’s primary administrator.
You can verify that you are the only user by checking the user list:
You may also add information (like your real name) to your user record by issuing:
However, note that having to pass a user name, host name and a password on the command line each time will get very tedious very fast. The next chapter will show how we can make our lives easier.
hv credentials
In order to connect to the vault server, hv must at least have:
a username
a password
a hostname
For example:
There are 3 ways to specify credentials (in decreasing order of priority):
providing them as command-line arguments (as in the example above)
storing them in environment variables
storing them in the registry+keychain (recommended)
All credentials, including usernames, are case-senstive, meaning that "Joe" and "joe" would be different users.
Command line
Passing credentials on the command line will always take precedence over environment variables and registry+keychain.
specify username
specify password
specify host (server:port) (if port is omitted, defaults to 65433)
specify site
remember credentials. This option doesn’t require the credentials to be passed through the command line, credentials passed through environment variables will work as well
Environment variables
Credentials can also be passed through environment variables. They will take precedence over those possibly found in the registry+keychain.
the server host name
the server port
the username to connect to the server
the user’s password
the site to use (most commands need a site to operate)
Registry + keychain
Unless environment variables or command-line arguments are provided, hv
will look for credentials in the registry (and the OS’s keychain for passwords.)
Credentials can be stored in the registry (and keychain) like so:
The user, host (and optional site) will be persisted in the registry, while the password will be saved to the OS’s keychain.
For this operation to succeed, at least a user and host must be provided
In order to keep the various commands' syntax as clear as possible, we will assume that the user has stored credentials (in either the registry+keychain or environment variables) for the rest of this manual.
Best practices
We recommend persisting credentials using the registry+keychain method.
Once that is done, commands will become cleaner:
if you login to the server using {hvui}
and save the login information, it will end up in the the registry+keychain method, and thus hv
will then be able to use that information as well.
Adding users
To be able to connect to the vault server, users need to be added to the server. That can be done with the user add
Setting the new user’s password
Then, we need to set the user’s password, using the passwd
Adding groups
To facilitate user management, sometimes it makes sense to make user groups. All users of a group then can be granted or denied access to certain files on the server.
Let’s add a few groups:
Using the groups
command, we can see the new groups are still empty:
We can now add group members:
Groups are especially useful for managing permissions.
This chapter explains in detail how to perform regular administrator tasks.
Managing permissions
If you want to limit access to the files that will be stored on the vault server, you can specify who can access what. By default, the permission table grants all users access to all files:
You will need to prepare a new permission table and put it into a file. The permission table consists of lines with the following format:
ACTION one of "grant" or "deny"
CATEGORY one of "user" or "group"
WHO name of the user or group to match
PERM one of "list", "read", "write"
PATH path pattern that the rule is for
Below is a sample permission table:
We’ll assume the server has been in use for a while, and holds some files in the directories subdir-for-fred/
, local-secret/
, and subdir/for/idbs/
The permissions have the following order:
Adding the
permission also adds thelist
permission.Adding the
permission also adds thelist
permissions.Removing the
permission also removes thewrite
permission.Removing the
permission also removes theread
Once the permission table is ready and stored in a file, we can install it:
After setting the permissions, it is a good idea to verify them. For example, this is how we can get a full list of files that fred
can see, with the rw
or r-
prefixes, depending on the permissions:
Or we could limit our check to a particular file:
The empty output means that fred
cannot see local-secret
even though it exists.
Backup and restore
Currently, there is no dedicated procedure to back up the vault contents. It can be done by temporarily stopping the vault server and making a copy of the sqlite3 database as well as the files. The server must be stopped only during the backup of the sqlite3 database and then can be immediately restarted. It is ok to let the server run when making copies of the vault files. In the worst case some additional files will get copied in the backup, which normally will not cause problems. Since we never modify vault files but always create new revisions, there is no danger of copying inconsistent data.
Alternatively, it is possible to use sqlite3 backup functionality to make a backup of the database. Vault files can be copied using any Linux command (e.g. rsync or tar).
Upgrading the server
Switching to the newest versions of the Hex-Rays Vault server is recommended in order for the team to benefit from its improvements and new features.
The upgrade procedure consists of the following steps:
stopping the server. E.g.,
sudo systemctl stop hexvault
if you are usingsystemd
to manage the server.performing a backup of the database
putting the new server instead of the old one
making sure the new server runs, upgrading the database schema to the new version if needed
restarting the server. E.g.,
sudo systemctl start hexvault
Verifying the database schema
Right after putting the new Hex-Rays Vault server binary into place, it is recommended to make sure it runs fine. To do that, we’ll run the server manually just like we did the first time we installed it:
In this case, the server complains that the database schema is outdated. This may happen as we will keep improving the Hex-Rays Vault server, and new versions might require an upgrade of the database schema in order to be able to work correctly.
Note that the Hex-Rays Vault server will not perform that upgrade automatically. That is on-purpose, to give you a chance to backup the database before proceeding.
Let’s tell the server to upgrade to the latest schema:
Please ensure you performed a backup of the database before issuing this command.
Once this is done, you should be able to restart the server in a normal way, and resume work.
Managing vault files
We plan to introduce additional functionalities like:
obliteration of files
periodic vault self-verification
periodic backups
usage stats
Hex-Rays Vault server command-line options
-p … (--port-number …)
Port number (default 65433)
-i … (--ip-address …)
IP address to bind to (default to any)
-c … (--certchain-file …)
TLS certificate chain file
-k … (--privkey-file …)
TLS private key file
-v (--verbose)
Verbose mode
Upgrade database schema; then quit
-C … (--connection-string …)
Connection string
-l … (--log-file …)
Log file
-L … (--license-file …)
License file
-f … (--config-file …)
Config file
Drop & re-create schema; then quit THIS WILL ERASE ALL DATA
(--set-admin …)
Set admin password; requires username:password
-d … (--vault-dir …)
Directory for vault files
-e … (--log-level …)
Log level
This chapter explains how to solve typical problems with the vault server.
Connection issues
By default, the vault server listens on the TCP port 65433 on all interfaces. Please ensure that this port is enabled in your firewalls.
The vault server uses secure TLS connections with the clients. The TLS layer requires the certificate (.crt) and private key (.key) files. Usually, they are attached to the email message with the activation information.
Lost admin password
A lost admin password can be reset by following these steps:
Stop the running server
Launch the server with the
command line switchStart the server
In practice it may look like this:
The uppercase USERNAME and PASSWORD placeholders should be replaced by the desired values. The user name and the password are separated by a colon.
The specified user must exist. If sh/e was not an admin before, s/he will be promoted to an admin by this command.
If you do not know any valid users of the vault, use the sqlite3
command line utility to list the users. They are stored in the users
Site verification
The following command:
can be used to retrieve MD5 checksums of the specified files.
PATH path pattern to retrieve checksums from
REVISION optional file revision. If not specified, the checksum of the last revision is reported
The server complains about a "world-accessible" file, and exits
The following files shouldn’t be readable by everyone on the system, but only by root
and hexvault
: this file file holds the connection string to the database the server will use, and might contain credentials.hexvault.crt
: the certificate chainhexvault.key
: the private key filehexvault.lic
: the license file
As a precaution, the Hex-Rays Vault server will refuse to start if these files are readable by unauthorized users.
Please make sure they:
ownership:chown hexvault:hexvault hexvault.crt hexvault.key hexvault.lic hexvault.conf
are not world-accessible:
chmod 640 hexvault.crt hexvault.key hexvault.lic hexvault.conf
The hexvault.lic file is tied to the MAC address of the first network interface. If they do not match, the server will not start. To change the MAC address, please contact
Restoring from backups
There are no special precautions to take: restoring the sqlite3 database and vault files from a backup should be enough.
IDA Teams Lumina server
In addition to the Hex-Rays Vault server, the Teams users can make use of a private, on-the-premises Lumina server (unlike the Hex-Rays Vault server, the Lumina server isn’t a strictly necessary component of the Teams deployment.)
A Lumina server will have to be configured to point to the Hex-Rays Vault server
Installing the Lumina server
After your purchase of Lumina server, go to the customer portal, where you will find:
an installer for the Lumina server
, if you didn’t activate Lumina server during the Hex-Rays Vault server activationlumina.crt
you recieved during the activation of Lumina server with Hex-Rays Vault server
and lumact.key
may contain the same licenses information.
All those will be necessary, so please go ahead and download them.
You will also need root
access on the host where you will be installing the Lumina server (to install the server, not to run it).
MySQL server
The Lumina server stores its data in a MySQL DBMS server. It is therefore necessary to have valid credentials to such a server, as well as a fresh, empty database.
The Lumina server requires a MySQL server version 5.8 or newer.
For illustration purposes, let’s assume the MySQL database the server will use, is called: "lumina_db"
Hex-Rays Vault server
In the Teams setup, the Lumina server must have access to a running Hex-Rays Vault server in order to work: indeed, all user management is done through the Hex-Rays Vault server.
Please make sure the Hex-Rays Vault server is properly installed & running.
At installation-time, the Lumina server installer will need information about the MySQL instance the Lumina server will be using (host, port, username, password). Eventually, that information will end up in the lumina.conf
file, sitting next to the lumina_server_teams
In addition to information about the MySQL database in which the Lumina server will store the metadata, the installer asks for the host
pair where to find a running Hex-Rays Vault server to which user authentication will be delegated.
That information will also end up in the lumina.conf
Supported platforms
The Lumina server can be installed on Linux servers. We have tested it on Debian and Ubuntu, but other major flavors of Linux should be fine too.
To install the server, run the Lumina installer as root
and follow the instructions (the server will not require root
permissions; only the installer does.)
If your Linux system is based on systemd
(e.g., Debian/Ubuntu, Red-Hat, CentOS, …), it is recommended to let the installer create systemd units so that the server will start automatically at the next reboot.
Activating the server license
If you already requested Lumina server activation with Hex-Rays Vault server, you can skip this part.
In order for the Lumina server license to be activated, it must be bound to a Host ID (an Ethernet MAC address.)
From a command prompt, run /sbin/ifconfig
, and lookup the "ether" address for the network interface through which the server will be accessible.
In this case, our mac address is: bf:e2:91:10:58:d2
Go to Hex-Rays customer portal and activate your license for Lumina server. During that process, you will need to provide the MAC address of the device where the Lumina server will be running. Once the activation is complete, you'll be able to download the following files:
lumina server certificate
(license key)
Installing the server license
Those need to be copied in the Lumina installation directory. As root
Creating the initial database schema
At this point, the server should be ready to run.
If your system is already in production and hosts files, skip this section. Using the --recreate-schema
option as in the example below, will re-create an empty database and lose all data.
For the Lumina server to work, it needs to have a proper database schema to work with (at this point, the MySQL database (i.e., "lumina_db"
) must already exist but is still empty.)
That is why, on the first install, you will need to initialize the database the server will use:
If you see "Error: Cannot connect to lumina db" please refer to troubleshooting section.
Testing the server
Now that the server is installed and has a database to work with, we can test that it works:
Good, the server appears to run! (If you are observing more worrying messages than this one, please refer to the troubleshooting section.)
At this point, you may want to either let the server run, or stop it (Ctrl+C
will do) and restart it using systemd:
…and make sure it runs:
If you don’t see a running lumina_server_teams
process, please refer to the systemd
diagnostic tools (e.g., journalctl
) for more info.
Initial configuration
Hex-Rays Vault authentication
The Lumina server delegates authentication to the Hex-Rays Vault server. That is where the primary source of users information is located.
Consequently, it is the exact same set of users, with the exact same credentials as those that are able to use the Hex-Rays Vault server, that will be able to make use of the Lumina server.
Assuming Alice was registered in the Hex-Rays Vault server (and has admin rights), she should be able to use the lc
utility to perform operations on the Lumina server.
is the Lumina command-line administration client, which comes with the Lumina server installer. We will assume the server has been installed in /opt/lumina/
, and thus lc
is present in /opt/lumina/lc
"shadow" copy of users in the Lumina server
Although the authority for user management & authentication is the Hex-Rays Vault server, the Lumina server will need to "shadow" that information for its own database to be in a coherent state.
Every time a user opens a new connection to the Lumina server it will in turn perform a call to the Hex-Rays Vault server to authenticate the user against the provided credentials.
Depending on the success of that latter call, a "shadow" of the user will be recorded, updated, or deleted from the Lumina server’s database.
Not everything is copied to the Lumina server’s shadow users table; in