C++ SDK Porting Guide from IDA 8.x to 9.0
IDA 9.0 API Changes and porting guide
The largest change is the removal of two headers:
The functionalities for working with user-defined types are now available in typeinf.hpp
Removed classes
class member_t;
class struc_t;
struc_t is replaced by the notion of "user-defined type" (udt_type_data_t
class) and member_t by dt member (udm_t
Removed APIs
Rough equivalent isget_ordinal_limit()
but note that it also includes enums and typedefs.get_first_struc_idx()
Local type ordinals always start at 1 (0 is invalid ordinal) and go up to get_ordinal_limit()
get_struc_idx(tid_t id)
get_struc_by_idx(uval_t idx)
Enumerations are now manipulated via:
class. intypeinf.hpp
Removed APIs
getn_enum(size_t idx)
get_enum_idx(enum_t id)
get_enum(const char *name)
is_bf(enum_t id)
is_enum_hidden(enum_t id)
set_enum_hidden(enum_t id, bool hidden)
is_enum_fromtil(enum_t id)
set_enum_fromtil(enum_t id, bool fromtil)
is_ghost_enum(enum_t id)
set_enum_ghost(enum_t id, bool ghost)
get_enum_name(qstring *out, enum_t id)
get_enum_name2(qstring *out, enum_t id, int flags=0)
get_enum_name(tid_t id, int flags=0)
get_enum_width(enum_t id)
set_enum_width(enum_t id, int width)
get_enum_cmt(qstring *buf, enum_t id, bool repeatable)
get_enum_size(enum_t id)
get_enum_flag(enum_t id)
get_enum_member_by_name(const char *name)
get_enum_member_value(const_t id)
get_enum_member_enum(const_t id)
get_enum_member_bmask(const_t id)
get_enum_member(enum_t id, uval_t value, int serial, bmask_t mask)
get_first_bmask(enum_t enum_id)
get_last_bmask(enum_t enum_id)
get_next_bmask(enum_t enum_id, bmask_t bmask\)
get_prev_bmask(enum_t enum_id, bmask_t bmask)
get_first_enum_member(enum_t id, bmask_t bmask=DEFMASK)
get_last_enum_member(enum_t id, bmask_t bmask=DEFMASK)
get_next_enum_member(enum_t id, uval_t value, bmask_t bmask=DEFMASK)
get_prev_enum_member(enum_t id, uval_t value, bmask_t bmask=DEFMASK)
get_enum_member_name(qstring *out, const_t id)
get_enum_member_cmt(qstring *buf, const_t id, bool repeatable)
get_first_serial_enum_member(uchar *out_serial, enum_t id, uval_t value, bmask_t bmask)
get_last_serial_enum_member(uchar *out_serial, enum_t id, uval_t value, bmask_t bmask)
get_next_serial_enum_member(uchar *in_out_serial, const_t first_cid)
get_prev_serial_enum_member(uchar *in_out_serial, const_t first_cid)
for_all_enum_members(enum_t id, enum_member_visitor_t &cv)
ida_export get_enum_member_serial(const_t cid)
get_enum_type_ordinal(enum_t id)
set_enum_type_ordinal(enum_t id, int32 ord)
add_enum(size_t idx, const char *name, flags64_t flag)
del_enum(enum_t id)
set_enum_idx(enum_t id, size_t idx)
set_enum_bf(enum_t id, bool bf)
set_enum_name(enum_t id, const char *name)
set_enum_cmt(enum_t id, const char *cmt, bool repeatable)
set_enum_flag(enum_t id, flags64_t flag)
add_enum_member(enum_t id, const char *name, uval_t value, bmask_t bmask=DEFMASK)
del_enum_member(enum_t id, uval_t value, uchar serial, bmask_t bmask)
set_enum_member_name(const_t id, const char *name)
set_enum_member_cmt(const_t id, const char *cmt, bool repeatable)
is_one_bit_mask(bmask_t mask)
set_bmask_name(enum_t id, bmask_t bmask, const char *name)
get_bmask_name(qstring *out, enum_t id, bmask_t bmask)
set_bmask_cmt(enum_t id, bmask_t bmask, const char *cmt, bool repeatable)
get_bmask_cmt(qstring *buf, enum_t id, bmask_t bmask, bool repeatable)
Added APIs
idaman ea_t ida_export find_binary(ea_t startea, ea_t endea, const char *ubinstr, int radix, int sflag, int strlits_encoding=0)
Modified APIs
idaman bool ida_export get_octet2(uchar *out, octet_generator_t *ogen)
idaman bool ida_export get_octet(uchar *out, octet_generator_t *ogen)
idaman bool ida_export op_enum(ea_t ea, int n, enum_t id, uchar serial=0)
idaman bool ida_export op_enum(ea_t ea, int n, tid_t id, uchar serial=0)
idaman enum_t ida_export get_enum_id(uchar *serial, ea_t ea, int n)
idaman tid_t ida_export get_enum_id(uchar *serial, ea_t ea, int n)
idaman ea_t ida_export bin_search3(size_t *out_matched_idx, ea_t start_ea, ea_t end_ea, const compiled_binpat_vec_t &data, int flags)
idaman ea_t ida_export bin_search(ea_t start_ea, ea_t end_ea, const compiled_binpat_vec_t &data, int flags, size_t *out_matched_idx=nullptr)
Removed APIs
bin_search2(ea_t start_ea, ea_t end_ea, const compiled_binpat_vec_t &data, int flags)
bin_search(ea_t, ea_t, const uchar *, const uchar *, size_t, int, int)
get_8bit(ea_t *ea, uint32 *v, int *nbit)
get_octet(ea_t *ea, uint64 *v, int *nbit)
free_chunk(ea_t bottom, asize_t size, int32 step)