ST 9

Assembler code

.init:00000107 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
.init:00000107                 .global ___Reset
.init:00000107                 .desc ___Reset, near
.init:00000107                 .proc ___Reset
.init:00000107 ___Reset:
.init:00000107                 spp     #0              ; Alternative name is '___Reset'
.init:00000107                                         ; __Reset
.init:00000109 ; Register page: 0
.init:00000109                 ld      R252, #0x40 ; '@' ; Wait Control Register
.init:0000010C                 ld      R235, #0x20 ; ' ' ; Mode Register
.init:0000010F                 ld      R230, #0x8F ; Central Interrupt Control Register
.init:00000112                 srp     #0x1A           ; r0 -> R208, r1 -> R209, r2 -> R210, r3 -> R211, r4 -> R212, r5 -> R213, r6 -> R214, r7 -> R215,
.init:00000112                                         ; r8 -> R216, r9 -> R217, r10 -> R218, r11 -> R219, r12 -> R220, r13 -> R221, r14 -> R222, r15 -> R223
.init:00000114 ; Register window: (26, 26)
.init:00000114                 sdm
.init:00000115                 ldw     RR238, #0x284 ; System Stack Pointer
.init:00000119                 spp     #0x15           ; Registers R240-R255 will now be referred to the page 21 of paged registers
.init:0000011B ; Register page: 21
.init:0000011B                 ld      r0, #0x88 ; 'ˆ'
.init:0000011D                 or      r0, r0
.init:0000011F                 jpeq    loc_190
.init:00000122                 ld      R242, #0 ; Data Page Register 2
.init:00000125                 ldw     rr10, #0x28C
.init:00000129                 or      r10, #0x80 ; '€'
.init:0000012C loc_12C:                                ; CODE XREF: ___Reset:loc_190↓j
.init:0000012C                 ld      r8, (rr10)+
.init:0000012F                 btjf    r8.1, loc_149
.init:00000132                 ld      R240, (rr10)+ ; Data Page Register 0
.init:00000135                 ldw     rr0, (rr10)+
.init:00000138                 ldw     rr4, (rr10)+
.init:0000013B                 ld      R241, (rr10)+ ; Data Page Register 1

Last updated

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