ARM Processor: Windows CE COFF Format
Assembler code
.text:00000078 MOVS R3, R0
.text:0000007C BNE loc_58
.text:00000080 MOV R0, #0x200
.text:00000084 ADD R0, SP, R0
.text:00000088 BL OutputDebugStringW
.text:0000008C CMP R6, #0
.text:00000090 MOV R0, R6
.text:00000094 MOVLE R0, #0
.text:00000098 ADD SP, SP, #0x600
.text:0000009C LDMFD SP, {R4-R6,SP,PC}
.text:0000009C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:000000A0 off_A0 DCD __imp_vsprintf ; DATA XREF: DbgPrint:$M4755↑r
.text:000000A0 ; End of function DbgPrint
.text:000000A0 ; .text ends
.pdata:000000A4 ; ===========================================================================
.pdata:000000A4 ; Segment type: Pure data
.pdata:000000A4 AREA .pdata, DATA, READONLY
.pdata:000000A4 ; ORG 0xA4
.pdata:000000A4 ; COMDAT (pick associative to section at 10)
.pdata:000000A4 $T4757 DCD DbgPrint ; Function start
.pdata:000000A8 DCD 0x40002504 ; Function end: A4, prolog end: 20, 32-bit: 1, has EH: 0
.pdata:000000A8 ; .pdata ends
UNDEF:000000B0 ; ===========================================================================
UNDEF:000000B0 ; Segment type: Externs
UNDEF:000000B0 IMPORT OutputDebugStringW
UNDEF:000000B0 ; CODE XREF: DbgPrint+78↑p
UNDEF:000000B4 IMPORT __imp_vsprintf ; DATA XREF: DbgPrint:$M4755↑o
UNDEF:000000B4 ; DbgPrint:off_A0↑o
UNDEF:000000B4 END
Last updated
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