Debugging iOS Applications with IDA Pro
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Copyright 2020 Hex-Rays SA
This tutorial discusses optimal strategies for debugging native iOS applications with IDA Pro.
IDA Pro supports remote debugging on any iOS version since iOS 9 (including iPadOS). Debugging is generally device agnostic so it shouldn't matter which hardware you're using as long as it's running iOS. The debugger itself can be used on any desktop platform that IDA supports (Mac/Windows/Linux), although using the debugger on Mac makes more features available.
Note that IDA supports debugging on both jailbroken and non-jailbroken devices. Each environment provides its own unique challenges and advantages, and we will discuss both in detail in this writeup.
The quickest way to get started with iOS debugging is to use Xcode to install a sample app on your device, then switch to IDA to debug it.
In this example we'll be using an iPhone SE 2 with iOS 13.4 (non-jailbroken) while using IDA 7.5 SP1 on OSX 10.15 Catalina. Start by launching Xcode and use menu File>New>Project... to create a new project from one of the iOS templates, any of them will work:
After selecting a template, set the following project options:
Note the bundle identifier primer.idatest, it will be important later. For the Team option choose the team associated with your iOS Developer account, and click OK. Before building be sure to set the target device in the top left of the Xcode window:
Now launch the build in Xcode. If it succeeds then Xcode will install the app on your device automatically.
Now that we have a test app installed on our device, let's prepare to debug it. First we must ensure that the iOS debugserver is installed on the device. Since our device is not jailbroken, this is not such a trivial task. By default iOS restricts all remote access to the device, and such operations are managed by special MacOS Frameworks.
Fortunately Hex-Rays provides a solution. Download the ios_deploy utility from our download center. This is a command-line support utility that can perform critical tasks on iOS devices without requiring a jailbreak. Try running it with the listen phase. If ios_deploy can detect your device it will print a message:
Use the mount phase to install DeveloperDiskImage.dmg, which contains the debugserver:
The device itself is now ready for debugging. Now let's switch to IDA and start configuring the debugger. Load the idatest binary in IDA, Xcode likely put it somewhere in its DerivedData directory:
Then go to menu Debugger>Select debugger... and select Remote iOS Debugger:
When debugging a binary remotely, IDA must know the full path to the executable on the target device. This is another task that iOS makes surprisingly difficult. Details of the filesystem are not advertised, so we must use ios_deploy to retrieve the executable path. Use the path phase with the app's bundle ID:
NOTE: the path contains a hex string representing the application's 16-byte UUID. This id is regenerated every time you reinstall the app, so you must update the path in IDA whenever the app is updated on the device.
Now go to Debugger>Debugger options>Set specific options... and ensure the following fields are set:
Make special note of the Symbol path option. This directory contains symbol files extracted from your device. Both IDA and Xcode use these files to load symbol tables for system libraries during debugging (instead of reading the tables in process memory), which will dramatically speed up debugging.
Xcode likely already created this directory when it first connected to your device, but if not you can always use ios_deploy to create it yourself:
Also ensure that the Launch debugserver automatically option is checked. This is required for non-jailbroken devices since we have no way to launch the server manually. This option instructs IDA to establish a connection to the debugserver itself via the MacOS Frameworks, which will happen automatically at debugging start.
Lastly, Xcode might have launched the test application after installing it. Use the proclist phase to retreive the app's pid and terminate it with the kill phase:
Finally we are ready to launch the debugger. Go to main in IDA's disassembly view, use F2 to set a breakpoint, then F9 to launch the process, and wait for the process to hit our breakpoint:
You are free to single step, inspect registers, and read/write memory just like any other IDA debugger.
You can also use IDA to debug the source code of your iOS application. Let's rebuild the idatest application with the DWARF with dSYM File build setting:
Since the app is reinstalled, the executable path will change. We'll need to update the remote path in IDA:
Be sure to enable Debugger>Use source-level debugging, then launch the process. At runtime IDA will be able to load the DWARF source information:
Note that the debugserver does not provide DWARF information to IDA - instead IDA looks for dSYM bundles in the vicinity of the idb on your local filesystem. Thus if you want IDA to load DWARF info for a given module, both the module binary and its matching dSYM must be in the same directory as the idb, or in the idb's parent directory.
For example, in the case of the idatest build:
IDA was able to find the idatest binary next to idatest.i64, as well as the dSYM bundle next to the parent app directory.
If IDA can't find DWARF info on your filesystem for whatever reason, try launching IDA with the command-line option -z440010, which will enable much more verbose logging related to source-level debugging:
IDA can also be used to debug binaries that are not user applications. For example, dyld.
The ability to debug dyld is a nice advantage because it allows us to observe critical changes in the latest versions of iOS (especially regarding the shared cache) before a jailbreak is even available. We document this functionality here in the hopes it will be useful to others as well.
In this example we'll be using IDA to discover how dyld uses ARMv8.3 Pointer Authentication to perform secure symbol bindings. Start by loading the dyld binary in IDA. It is usually found here:
The target application will be a trivial helloworld program:
Compile and install this app on your device, then set the following fields in Debugger>Process options...
Under Debugger>Debugger options, enable Suspend on debugging start. This will instruct IDA to suspend the process at dyld's entry point, before it has begun binding symbols. Now launch the process with F9 - immediately the process will be suspended at __dyld_start:
Double-click on the helloworld module to bring up its symbol list and go to the _main function:
Note that function sub_1009CBF98 is the stub for puts:
The stub reads a value from off_109CC000, then performs a branch with pointer authentication. We can assume that at some point, dyld will fill off_109CC000 with an authenticated pointer to puts. Let's use IDA to quickly track down this logic in dyld.
The iOS debugger supports watchpoints. Now would be a good time to use one:
Resume the process and wait for dyld to trigger our watchpoint:
The instruction STR X21 [X19] triggered the watchpoint, and note the value in X21 (BB457A81BA95ADD8) which is the authenticated pointer to puts. Where did this value come from? We can see that X21 was previously set with MOV X21, X0 after a call to this function:
It seems like we're on the right track. Also note that IDA was able to extract a nice stack trace despite dyld's heavy use of PAC instructions to authenticate return addresses on the stack:
This leads us to the following logic in the dyld-733.6 source:
Here, fixupLoc (off_109CC00) and newValue (address of puts) are passed as the loc and target arguments for Arm64e::signPointer:
Thus, the pointer to puts is signed using its destination address in helloworld:__auth_got as salt for the signing operation. This is quite clever because the salt value is subject to ASLR and therefore cannot be guessed, but at this point the executable has already been loaded into memory – so it won’t change by the time the pointer is verified in the stub.
To see this in action, use F4 to run to the BRAA instruction in the stub and note the values of the operands:
The branch will use the operands to verify that the target address has not been modified after it was originally calculated by dyld. Since we haven't done anything malicious, one more single step should take us right to puts: