
Rename an address
     ea - linear address
     name - new name of address. If name == "", then delete old name
     flags - combination of SN_... constants
returns: 1-ok, 0-failure

success set_name(long ea, string name, long flags=SN_CHECK);

#define SN_CHECK        0x00    // Fail if the name contains invalid characters.
#define SN_NOCHECK      0x01    // Replace invalid characters silently.
                                // If this bit is set, all invalid chars
                                // (not in NameChars or MangleChars) will be replaced
                                // by '_'.
                                // List of valid characters is defined in ida.cfg
#define SN_PUBLIC       0x02    // if set, make name public
#define SN_NON_PUBLIC   0x04    // if set, make name non-public
#define SN_WEAK         0x08    // if set, make name weak
#define SN_NON_WEAK     0x10    // if set, make name non-weak
#define SN_AUTO         0x20    // if set, make name autogenerated
#define SN_NON_AUTO     0x40    // if set, make name non-autogenerated
#define SN_NOLIST       0x80    // if set, exclude name from the list
                                // if not set, then include the name into
                                // the list (however, if other bits are set,
                                // the name might be immediately excluded
                                // from the list)
#define SN_NOWARN       0x100   // don't display a warning if failed
#define SN_LOCAL        0x200   // create local name. a function should exist.
                                // local names can't be public or weak.
                                // also they are not included into the list of names
                                // they can't have dummy prefixes
#define SN_IDBENC       0x400   // the name is given in the IDB encoding;
                                // non-ASCII bytes will be decoded accordingly.
                                // Specifying SN_IDBENC also implies SN_NODUMMY
#define SN_FORCE        0x800   // if the specified name is already present
                                // in the database, try variations with a
                                // numerical suffix like "_123"
#define SN_NODUMMY      0x1000  // automatically prepend the name with '_' if it
                                // begins with a dummy suffix such as 'sub_'.
                                // See also SN_IDBENC
#define SN_DELTAIL      0x2000  // if name cannot be set because of a tail byte,
                                // delete the hindering item

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