Open subviews
Here are commands to open various windows, display information etc.
Some windows allow you to manipulate the window contents by using the list viewer commands.
See also View submenu.
Disassembly window
The "WindowOpen" command opens a new window with the disassembly. IDA automatically opens one disassembly window at the start.
If the current location is an instruction belonging to a function, then the graph view is available. You can toggle between the text and graph view using the Space key. You can also switch to proximity view by zooming out to the callgraph using the '-' key.
Use the disassembly editing commands to improve the listing.
Use Shift-<arrows> or Alt-L to drop anchor. If you have a mouse, you can drop the anchor with it too.
A double click of the mouse is equivalent to the <Enter> key.
To the left of disassembly, there is an arrows window (GUI version). Also the GUI version highlights the current identifier.
Exports window
This command opens the exports window.
You can use list viewer commands in this window.
Imports window
This command opens the imports window.
You can use list viewer commands in this window.
Functions window
A list of all functions in the program is displayed. You can add, delete, modify functions using list viewer commands.
Listed for each function are:
The last column of this window has the following format:
If a function has its color set, its line is colored using the specified color. Otherwise library and lumina functions are colored with the corresponding color. Otherwise the line is not colored.
A bold font is used for functions that have definite (user-specified) prototype. Also some plugins too may set this flag. Such prototypes are taken as is by the decompiler, while other prototypes are considered only as a starting point during decompilation.
It is possible to automatically synchronize the function list with the active disassembler, pseudocode, or hex view. For that right click on the function list and select "Turn on synchronization".
Names window
This command opens the names window.
You can use list viewer commands in this window.
The GUI version displays a small icon for each name:
Signatures window
This command opens the signatures window.
For each signature, the following is displayed:
You can modify the planned signatures list here: add/delete library modules to be used during the disassembling.
You cannot delete an applied signature from the list.
To add a signature to the list for the application press <Ins>. You will see a list of signatures that can be applied to the program being disassembled.
Text version: Not all signature files will be displayed (for example, 32 bit signatures will not be shown for a 16 bit program). If you want to see the full list of signatures, select the first line of the list saying SWITCH TO FULL LIST OF SIGNATURES.
Signature files reside in the subdirectories of the SIG directory. Each processor has its own subdirectory. The name of the subdirectory is equal to the name of the processor module file (z80 for z80.w32, for example). Note: IBM PC signatures are located in the SIG directory itself. Note: the IDASGN environment variable can be used to specify the location of the signatures directory.
Segments window
This command opens the segments window. The format of this window is explained here.
You can use list viewer commands in this window.
In order to change the selector values, use selectors window.
Segment registers window
This command opens the segment registers window. The window will contain segment register change points list.
You can use list viewer commands in this window.
Depending on the current processor type, you will see DS,ES,SS with or without FS,GS.
See also Edit|Segments submenu.
Selectors window
This command opens the selector window. Here you can change the "selector to base" mapping. The selector table is used to look up the selector values when calculating the addresses that are visible in the disassembly listing.
You can use list viewer commands in this window: