Teams lc command reference manual


The lc executable provides a command-line interface to interact with a Lumina server and its contents.

virtually all the commands described in this document, require administrator rights; "regular" users will typically not have the necessary privileges.

Command-line options

-h, --host HOSTNAME[:PORT] Lumina host name and port (if port is omitted, it defaults to 443)

-u USERNAME specify username

-p PASSWORD specify password

-v, --verbose verbose output

In order to connect to a Lumina server, lc must at least be provided with a hostname and a valid user-password pair.

In order to keep the various commands' syntax as clear as possible, we will omit the login options from commands for the rest of this manual.

Other options exists, specific to each lc command (see Commands).


The following commands are accepted by lc:

Operating with metadata

Commands in this section let users view metadata stored in the Lumina server and their history.

hist show

hist show [OPTION]

Queries history of changes for function(s).

The following informations will be displayed for each change:

  • The ID of the change

  • The timestamp of the change

  • The ID of the push that contains the change

  • The name of the function at that change (+ (*) if it has been modified past this change)

  • optional: The username of the user that pushed this change

  • optional: The name of the license associated with the push for this change

  • optional: The email of the license associated with the push for this change

  • optional: The ID of the license associated with the push for this change

  • optional: The ID of the function

  • optional: The effective address (EA) of the function in the input file for the change

  • optional: The hash of the function

  • optional: The path of the idb file where the change came from

  • optional: The hash of the file where the change came from

  • optional: The path of the file where the change came from

Wildcards can be used to facilitate the usage of options that take strings as input. See the appendix.

-a, --additional-fields LIST Comma-delimited list of additional info to display (username, license_name, license_email, license_id, func_id, func_ea, calcrel_hash, idb_path, input_hash, input_path, all)

-d, --details Show details (diff-like) for each change

--chronological Display entries in chronological order (defaults to reverse-chronological).

-m, --max-entries NUMBER maximum number of entries to fetch (defaults to 100)

-l, --license-id LICENSE license ID (XX-XXXX-XXXX-XX format) to operate on

-r, --history-id-range RANGE history ID range(s) to operate on (start0..end0 […​])

-t, --time-range RANGE time range to operate on (start..end) see the appendix

-i, --idb IDB IDB name(s) to operate on

-f, --input FILE input file(s) to operate on

-u, --username USERNAME username(s) to operate on

-n, --func NAME function name(s) to operate on

-h, --input-hash HASH input file hash(es) to operate on

-p, --pushes-id-range RANGE Pushes ID range(s) to operate on (start0..end0 […​])

-c, --calcrel-hash HASH function hash(es) to operate on

--last-change Select only the last change for a function (which speeds up execution)


List the last 8 changes ("-m 8" specifies the number of changes to show; the default order is reverse-chronological)

alice@alice_PC$ lc hist show -m 8
    Change Time                Push Func name
    ------ ------------------- ---- ---------------------------
    507    2022-09-15 14:48:18 5    math_things
    506    2022-09-15 14:48:17 4    calc_things (*)
    505    2022-09-15 14:48:17 4    start
    504    2022-09-15 14:48:16 3    keygen_window_dialog_proc_a
    503    2022-09-15 14:48:16 3    display_keygen_window
    502    2022-09-15 14:48:15 2    fstat
    501    2022-09-15 14:48:15 2    __umoddi3
    500    2022-09-15 14:48:15 2    __udivdi3
    # Shown 8 results (more are available...)

List changes from id 9 up to (but excluding) id 14

alice@alice_PC$ lc hist show -r9..14
    Change Time                Push Func name
    ------ ------------------- ---- ---------------------
    13     2022-09-15 14:48:05 2    AllocateBucketGroup
    12     2022-09-15 14:48:05 2    addr_map_find
    11     2022-09-15 14:48:05 2    addr_map_insert
    10     2022-09-15 14:48:05 2    addr_map_compare_func
    9      2022-09-15 14:48:05 2    addr_map_free_func
    # Shown 5 results

List changes using multiple ranges (9..14,505..515; in this case, there were no changes after 507 in the database)

alice@alice_PC$ lc hist show -r9..14,505..515
    Change Time                Push Func name
    ------ ------------------- ---- ---------------------
    507    2022-09-15 14:48:18 5    math_things
    506    2022-09-15 14:48:17 4    calc_things (*)
    505    2022-09-15 14:48:17 4    start
    13     2022-09-15 14:48:05 2    AllocateBucketGroup
    12     2022-09-15 14:48:05 2    addr_map_find
    11     2022-09-15 14:48:05 2    addr_map_insert
    10     2022-09-15 14:48:05 2    addr_map_compare_func
    9      2022-09-15 14:48:05 2    addr_map_free_func
    # Shown 8 results

Find changes from a specific idb file ("-i"), showing the function hash and ea ("-a" adds additional columns to the output)

alice@alice_PC$ lc hist show -i C:\malware\apts\ -a calcrel_hash,func_ea
    Change Time                Push Func name                   Func EA Func hash
    ------ ------------------- ---- --------------------------- ------- --------------------------------
    504    2022-09-15 14:48:16 3    keygen_window_dialog_proc_a 4011e2  420A0485EDB7C6774E1822953FB785D4
    503    2022-09-15 14:48:16 3    display_keygen_window       401099  ACA673D198FBC0DF24C20A15FF7F25CE
    # Shown 2 results

Show the first 4 changes ("-m4") with their input file(s) (in "--chronological" order; "-a" adds an additional column)

alice@alice_PC$ lc hist show --chronological -m 4 -a input_path
    Change Time                Push Func name             Input path
    ------ ------------------- ---- --------------------- ------------------------------------
    1      2022-09-15 14:47:44 1    .init_proc            /home/alice/work/pc_dwarf_arrays.elf
    2      2022-09-15 14:47:44 1    _start                /home/alice/work/pc_dwarf_arrays.elf
    3      2022-09-15 14:47:44 1    __do_global_dtors_aux /home/alice/work/pc_dwarf_arrays.elf
    4      2022-09-15 14:47:44 1    frame_dummy           /home/alice/work/pc_dwarf_arrays.elf
    # Shown 4 results (more are available...)

Show the last change by a user ("-u" indicates the user, "-m1" means show 1 change only, "-a" adds an additional column)

alice@alice_PC$ lc hist show -ubob -m1 -a username
    Change Time                Push Func name Username
    ------ ------------------- ---- --------- --------
    502    2022-09-15 14:48:15 2    fstat     bob
    # Shown 1 results (more are available...)

Show up to 4 changes ("-m4") between two dates ("-t" indicates a range of "YYYY-MM-DD" dates)

alice@alice_PC$ lc hist