

IDA as a library (idalib) allows you to use the C++ and IDA Python APIs outside IDA as standalone applications. That way, IDA's engine is used inside your app, which simplifies development with the IDA APIs, which can be done now from your IDE of choice.


  • IDA Pro 9.0 or newer installed and running

Installation for C++

To use the ida library from the C++, please refer to the idalib.hpp header file shipped with C++ SDK where you will find the relevant information.

Installation for Python

To use the ida library Python module, you need to install and configure idapro package by following these steps:

Install ida library Python module

  1. Navigate to the idalib/python folder within the IDA Pro installation directory

  2. Run the command: pip install .

When setting up idalib to work with IDA Feeds and your virtual environment (venv), make sure to run the above command from within your activated venv.

Setting up the ida library Python module

Run the Activation Script

  1. You need to inform the idapro Python module of your IDA Pro installation. To do this, run the script located in your IDA Pro installation folder, or inside the idalib/python folder (depends on the system version you use):

    python /path/to/IDA/installation/ [-d /path/to/active/IDA/installation]

    If the -d option is omitted, the script will automatically select the IDA installation folder from which it was executed.

Using the ida library Python module

Import idapro in your script

  1. Make sure to import the idapro package as the first import in your Python script

    • After importing, you can utilize the existing ida Python APIs

Example script

For a reference on how to use the ida module, check the idalib/examples folder in your IDA Pro installation directory or look at the sample script provided below.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import os
import json
import idapro
from pathlib import Path
import ida_segment
import ida_idaapi
import ida_funcs
import ida_idp
import ida_auto
import ida_undo

class sig_hooks_t(ida_idp.IDB_Hooks):

    def __init__(self):
        self.matched_funcs = set()

    def func_added(self, pfn):

    def func_deleted(self, func_ea):

    def func_updated(self, pfn):

    def idasgn_loaded(self, sig_name):
        return print(f"Sig {sig_name} loaded")

    def dump_matches(self):
        for fea in self.matched_funcs:
            print(f"Matched function {ida_funcs.get_func_name(fea)}")

### List the segments for the loaded binary
def list_segments():
    nb_items = ida_segment.get_segm_qty()
    print("Segments number:",  nb_items)
    for i in range(0, nb_items):
        seg_src = ida_segment.getnseg(i)
        print(str(i+1) + ".")
        print("\tname:", ida_segment.get_segm_name(seg_src))
        print("\tstart_address:", hex(seg_src.start_ea))
        print("\tend_address", hex(seg_src.end_ea))
        print("\tis_data_segment:", ida_segment.get_segm_class(seg_src) == ida_segment.SEG_DATA)
        print("\tbitness:", seg_src.bitness)
        print("\tpermissions:",  seg_src.perm, "\n")

### Just call an existing python script
def run_script(script_file_name:str):
    if not os.path.isfile(script_file_name):
        print(f"The specified script file {script_file_name} is not a valid python script")
    ida_idaapi.IDAPython_ExecScript(script_file_name, globals())

### Apply provided sig file name
def apply_sig_file(database_file_name:str, sig_file_name:str, sig_res_file:str):
    if not os.path.isfile(sig_file_name):
        print(f"The specified value {sig_file_name} is not a valid file name")

    root, extension = os.path.splitext(sig_file_name)
    if extension != ".sig":
        print(f"The specified value {sig_file_name} is not a valid sig file")

    # Install hook on IDB to collect matches
    sig_hook = sig_hooks_t()

    # Start apply process and wait for it

    matches_no = 0
    for index in range(0, ida_funcs.get_idasgn_qty()):
        fname, _, fmatches = ida_funcs.get_idasgn_desc_with_matches(index)
        if fname in sig_file_name:
            matches_no = fmatches

    matches = {
        "total_matches": matches_no,
        "matched_functions": []

    for fea in sig_hook.matched_funcs:
        matches['matched_functions'].append({ "func_name": ida_funcs.get_func_name(fea), "start_ea": hex(fea) })

    with open(sig_res_file, 'w') as jsonfile:
        json.dump(matches, jsonfile, indent=2)

    print(f"Total matches {matches_no} while applying {sig_file_name} on {database_file_name}, saved results to {sig_res_file}")

### Internal string to bool converter used for command line arguments
def str_to_bool(value:str):
    if isinstance(value, bool):
        return value
    if value.lower() in {'false', 'f', '0', 'no', 'n'}:
        return False
    elif value.lower() in {'true', 't', '1', 'yes', 'y'}:
        return True
    raise ValueError(f'{value} is not a valid boolean value')

# Parse input arguments
parser=argparse.ArgumentParser(description="IDA Python Library Demo")
parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", help="File to be analyzed with IDA", type=str, required=True)
parser.add_argument("-l", "--list-segments", help="List segmentes", type=str_to_bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False)
parser.add_argument("-s", "--script-file-name", help="Execute an existing python script file", type=str, required=False)
parser.add_argument("-g", "--sig-file-name", help="Provide a signature file to be applied, requires also -o", type=str, required=False)
parser.add_argument("-o", "--sig-res-file", help="Signature file applying result json file, works only together with -g", type=str, required=False)
parser.add_argument("-p", "--persist-changes", help="Persist database changes", type=str_to_bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=True)


if (args.sig_file_name is not None and args.sig_res_file is None) or (args.sig_file_name is None and args.sig_res_file is not None):
    print("error: '-g/--sig-file-name' and '-o/--sig-res-file' arguments must be specified together or none of them.\n")

# Run auto analysis on the input file
print(f"Opening database {args.file}...")
idapro.open_database(args.file, True)

# Create an undo point
if ida_undo.create_undo_point(b"Initial state, auto analysis"):
    print(f"Successfully created an undo point...")
    print(f"Failed to created an undo point...")

# List segments if required so
if args.list_segments:
    print("Listing segments...")

# Run a script if one provided
if args.script_file_name is not None:
    print(f"Running script {args.script_file_name}...")

# Apply signature file if one provided
if args.sig_file_name is not None:
    print(f"Applying sig file {args.sig_file_name}...")
    apply_sig_file(database_file_name=args.file, sig_file_name=args.sig_file_name, sig_res_file=args.sig_res_file)

# Revert any changes if specified so
if not args.persist_changes:
    if ida_undo.perform_undo():
        print(f"Successfully reverted database changes...")
        print(f"Failed to revert database changes...")

# Let the idb in a consistent state, explicitly terminate the database
print("Closing database...")
print("Done, thanks for using IDA!")

Last updated

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