In this menu, you can select a command to search for something in the disassembly. Searches are relatively slow and your previous position is saved in the jump stack.
You can search for:
suspicious operands (instructions that need your attention)
pictures (i.e., raster images) in both - directions (up and down).
You can search for an item under cursor:
See also
Search for next suspicious operand
Suspicious operands are the operands that need your attention because they contain an immediate value that could be a number or an offset. IDA does not know about it, so it marks these instructions as 'suspicious'. You can change the suspiciousness of the operands using set lower limit of suspicious operands and set upper limit of suspicious operands commands.
Data arrays are considered to be suspicious if the first element of the data array is within the lower and upper suspicious limits. Values of other elements are not examined.
You can disable the display of the 'suspicious' marks in the Comments Dialog.
NOTE: We strongly recommend that before producing an ASM file you go through all 'suspicious' marks and get rid of them. After this you have a certain level of confidence that the file has been disassembled correctly.
Search for next code
This command searches for the first instruction in the current direction.
Search for next data
This command searches for the first defined data item in the current direction.
Search for next unexplored byte
This command searches for the first unexplored byte in the current direction.
Search for next explored byte
This command searches for the first defined byte (instruction or data) in the current direction.
Search for next instruction/data with the specified operand
This command searches for the first instruction or data byte that contains the specified immediate value. The command is relatively slow (but much faster than the text search), because it disassembles each instruction to find the operand values.
If the immediate value in an instruction has been logically or bitwise negated, then this command will check against the modified value. Example:
will be found if the user searches for the immediate value 2 but not when he searches for 0xFE.
If the checkbox "any untyped value" is checked, then the "value" field is ignored. IDA will look for all immediate values without type in this case.
Repeat search for instruction/data with the specified operand
This command repeats search for immediate command.
Search for substring in the disassembly
This command searches for the specified substring in the text representation of the disassembly. This command is a slow command, because it disassembles each instruction to get the text representation. IDA will show its progress on the indicator. You can interrupt this command pressing Ctrl-Break.
You may search for regular expressions too.
If a range is selected using anchor, IDA will search for the specified substring in the range.
Note that this command searches the same as what you see on your screen (and not in binary image).
For binary search, look at Search for substring in the file
Repeat search for substring in the disassembly
This command repeats search for text command.
Search for substring in the file
This command searches for the specified substring in the file being disassembled. This command can be used for fast lookups of text strings in the executable file or even to find references to a data. You can interrupt it pressing Ctrl-Break.
If a range is selected using anchor, IDA will search for the specified substring in the range.
The substring is specified like this:
i.e. in the double-quotes. Also you can specify individual byte values as numbers:
Follow this link to learn more about the format of the input string.
For example, if you want to find a reference to the following string:
you could search for number 106A in the file.
See also
search for text command.
Repeat search for substring in the file
This command repeats search for text in core command.
Search for bytes not belonging to any function
This command searches for the first byte not belonging to any function in the current direction.
Set Direction for Searches
The current direction for searches is displayed in the right upper corner of the screen. Using this command, you can toggle the display.
See also Options submenu.
Find all suspicious operands
This command searches for all suspicious operands and presents a list of them. You may use this list to examine the operands and modify them as needed.
See also
Search for next string with error
This commands searches for the 'error' operands. Usually, these operands are displayed with a red color.
Below is the list of probable causes of error operands:
Find all errors
This command searches for all strings containing any error and presents a list of them. You may use this list to examine errors and correct them as needed.
See also
Find regiser definition
This command searches for the first definition of the register under cursor.
It looks for a definition in the current function, starting from the current address towards lower addresses, ignoring control flow.
See also Find register use
Find regiser use
This command searches for the first use of the register under cursor.
It looks for a use in the current function, starting from the current address towards higher addresses, ignoring control flow.
See also Find register definition
Find register value
This command searches for the value of the register under the cursor if it can be found by simple methods.
It also shows the found values in the "Output" window along with the addresses at which they are defined.
If it could not find a value, it shows the reason why it could not. Unlike Find register definition, this command uses control flow.
Last updated
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