Arrows window

In the graphical version, there is a small window with arrows on the left of the disassembly. These arrows represent the execution flow, namely the branch and jump instructions. The arrow color can be:

        - red: means that the arrow source and destination do not
        belong to the same function. Usually, the branches are
        within functions and the red color will conspicuously
        represent branches from or to different functions.
        - black: the currently selected arrow. The selection
        is made by moving to the beginning or the end of the
        arrow using the Up or Down keys or left-clicking on the arrow
        start or the arrow end. The selection is
        not changed by pressing the PageUp, PageDown, Home, End keys or using
        the scrollbar. This allows to trace the selected arrow far away.
        - grey: all other arrows

The arrow thickness can be:

        - thick: a backward arrow. Backward arrows usually represent
        loops. Thick arrows represent the loops in a clear and
        notable manner.
        - thin: forward arrows.

Finally, the arrows can be solid or dotted. The dotted arrows represent conditional branches when the solid arrows represent unconditional branches.

You can resize the arrows window using a vertical splitter or even fully hide it. If it is hidden, the arrows window will not be visible on the screen but you can reveal it by dragging the splitter to the right. IDA remembers the current arrow window size in the registry when you close the disassembly window.

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