Lumina server


This manual describes the installation, management, and interaction with an on-the-premises IDA Pro Lumina server.

It is primarily intended for administrators, and will focus on the Lumina server component, that can be purchased for IDA Pro.

While we will (at least superficially) make use of the lc command-line client that is used to access/manage the server, this manual will not offer a detailed explanation of its usage: that is the role of the lc user manual.

We recommend having the lc user manual ready before starting the installation and configuration of the Lumina server.


you have received an e-mail that contains links to a download area where you will find, among other things:

  • an installer for the Lumina server

  • this guide

  • a lumact.key

ida.key and lumact.key may contain the same licenses information.

All those will be necessary, so please go ahead and download them.

You will also need root access on the host where you will be installing the Lumina server (to install the server, not to run it).

MySQL server

The Lumina server stores its data in a MySQL DBMS server. It is therefore necessary to have valid credentials to such a server, as well as a fresh, empty database.

The Lumina server requires a MySQL server version 5.8 or newer.

For illustration purposes, let’s assume the MySQL database the server will use, is called: "{mysql_db}".


At installation-time, the Lumina server installer will need information about the MySQL instance the Lumina server will be using (host, port, username, password). Eventually, that information will end up in the lumina.conf file, sitting next to the lumina_server_pro binary:


Supported platforms

The Lumina server can be installed on Linux servers. We have tested it on Debian and Ubuntu, but other major flavors of Linux should be fine too.

To install the server, run the {lumina} installer as root and follow the instructions (the server will not require root permissions; only the installer does.)

If your Linux system is based on systemd (e.g., Debian/Ubuntu, Red-Hat, CentOS, …​), it is recommended to let the installer create systemd units so that the server will start automatically at the next reboot.

Activating the server license

In order for the Lumina server license to be activated, it must be bound to a Host ID (an Ethernet MAC address.)

From a command prompt, run /sbin/ifconfig, and lookup the "ether" address for the network interface through which the server will be accessible.

enp4s0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        ether bf:e2:91:10:58:d2  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)

In this case, our mac address is: bf:e2:91:10:58:d2

Go to Hex-Rays customer portal and activate your license for Lumina server. During that process, you will need to provide the MAC address of the device where the Lumina server will be running. Once the activation is complete, you'll be able to download the following files:

  • lumina server certificate

  • lumina_server.hexlic (license key)

Installing the server license

Those need to be copied in the {lumina} installation directory. As root:

>cd /opt/lumina
>cp .../path/to/lumina.crt .
>cp .../path/to/lumina.key .
>cp .../path/to/lumina.lic .
>chown lumina:lumina lumina.crt lumina.key lumina.lic
>chmod 640 lumina.crt lumina.key lumina.lic

Creating the initial database schema

At this point, the server should be ready to run.

If your system is already in production and hosts files, skip this section. Using the --recreate-schema option as in the example below, will re-create an empty database and lose all data.

For the Lumina server to work, it needs to have a proper database schema to work with (at this point, the MySQL database (i.e., "{mysql_db}") must already exist but is still empty.)

That is why, on the first install, you will need to initialize the database the server will use:

>sudo -u lumina ./lumina_server_pro --config-file lumina.conf --recreate-schema
Hex-Rays Lumina Server {flavor} v8.0 Hex-Rays (c) 2022-2024
2022-09-02 10:28:30 Database has been initialized; exiting.

If you see "Error: Cannot connect to lumina db" please refer to troubleshooting section.

Testing the server

Now that the server is installed and has a database to work with, we can test that it works:

>sudo -u lumina ./lumina_server_pro --config-file lumina.conf \
                      --certchain-file lumina.crt \
                      --privkey-file lumina.key
Hex-Rays Lumina Server {flavor} v8.0 Hex-Rays (c) 2022-2024
2022-09-22 12:14:37 Listening on

Good, the server appears to run! (If you are observing more worrying messages than this one, please refer to the troubleshooting section.)

At this point, you may want to either let the server run, or stop it (Ctrl+C will do) and restart it using systemd:

>systemctl restart lumina.service

…​and make sure it runs:

>ps aux | grep lumina_server_pro
lumina  78812  0.0  0.0 ...

If you don’t see a running lumina_server_pro process, please refer to the systemd diagnostic tools (e.g., journalctl) for more info.

Initial configuration

This chapter explains how to perform the initial configuration of the Lumina server, and in particular how to create the

first (i.e., "administrator") user.

Creating the administrator

The very first user to log into the server becomes the first administrator. S/he can create new administrators and otherwise manage the server.

Once the server is up and running, login to it using a username and password of your choice using the lc utility.

lc is the Lumina command-line administration client, which comes with the Lumina server installer. We will assume the server has been installed in /opt/lumina/, and thus lc is present in /opt/lumina/lc.

>cd /opt/lumina
>./lc -ualice -psecr3t info
	Hex-Rays Lumina Server v8.0
	Lumina time: 2022-09-01 14:28:02, up since 2022-09-01 14:27:58
	MAC address: <snipped macaddr>
	Client name: alice *ADMIN*
	Client host:

Since Alice is the first user to login to the server, the credentials she provided, will be used to create the server’s primary administrator.

You can verify that you are the only user by checking the user list:

>./lc -ualice -psecr3t users
	LastActive          Adm Login License         User name Email
	------------------- --- ----- --------------- --------- --------------
	2022-09-01 14:28:04 *   alice AA-A11C-AC8E-01 Alice
	# Shown 1 results

Useful environment variables

To facilitate using lc, you may consider defining the following environment variables:

export LUMINA_USER=alice
export LUMINA_PASS=secr3t

After that, you can connect to the server effortlessly. For example, this command will print information about the server and the client:

>./lc info
    Hex-Rays Lumina Server v8.0
    Lumina time: 2022-09-01 14:28:02, up since 2022-09-01 14:27:58
    MAC address: <snipped macaddr>
    Client name: alice *ADMIN*
    Client host:

Lumina server command-line options

-p …​ (--port-number …​)

Port number (default 443)

-i …​ (--ip-address …​)

IP address to bind to (default to any)

-c …​ (--certchain-file …​)

TLS certificate chain file

-k …​ (--privkey-file …​)

TLS private key file

-v (--verbose)

Verbose mode

(--recreate-schema …​)

Drop & re-create schema. Note that THIS WILL ERASE ALL DATA


Upgrade database schema; then quit. Only necessary when upgrading to a newer version of the Lumina server.

-C …​ (--connection-string …​)

Connection string

-l …​ (--log-file …​)

Log file

-f …​ (--config-file …​)

Config file

-D …​ (--badreq-dir …​)

Directory holding dumps of requests causing internal errors


The server complains about a "world-accessible" file, and exits

The following files shouldn’t be readable by everyone on the system, but only by root and lumina:

  • lumina.conf: this file file holds the connection string to the database the server will use, and might contain credentials.

  • lumina.crt: the certificate chain

  • lumina.key: the private key file

  • lumina.lic: the license file

As a precaution, the Lumina server will refuse to start if these files are readable by unauthorized users.

Please make sure they:

  • have lumina:lumina ownership: chown lumina:lumina lumina.crt lumina.key lumina.lic lumina.conf

  • are not world-accessible: chmod 640 lumina.crt lumina.key lumina.lic lumina.conf


Before the first --recreate-schema command can succeed, it is necessary to create the MySQL database, as well as the user that it will be accessed as.

"Authentication plugin 'caching_sha2_password' cannot be loaded"

Some recent Linux distributions ship versions of MySQL that use the "caching_sha2_password" password-checking plugin (as opposed to the traditional "native password" one.)

In order for the Lumina server to able to use this strategy, it would have to ship with a file that is linked against

Unfortunately, this library is not yet available on all of the various [versions of] distributions that we currently support, and introducing this dependency would significantly reduce the diversity of platforms on whith the Lumina server can run.

Consequently (for now) we have opted for another approach: the "lumina" MySQL user should use MySQL's "native password" strategy. This can be accomplished by issuing the following command in a MySQL prompt:

    ALTER USER lumina@localhost IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY '<luminauserpassword>';

Once is more generally available, {lumina} will not require this particular fine-tuning anymore.

MySQL TLS connections

For the same reasons as the caching_sha2_password issue, the Lumina server does not use TLS connections and thus will negociate a plain TCP connection to the MySQL server.

Creating the user and database

What follows is an example creating a user + database, on a Debian system:

    >sudo mysql -uroot -p
    [sudo] password for aundro:
    Enter password:
    Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
    Your MySQL connection id is 14306
    Server version: 10.1.48-MySQL-0+deb9u2 Debian 9.13

    Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MySQL Corporation Ab and others.

    Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

    MySQL [(none)]> create user lumina@localhost;
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

    MySQL [(none)]> set password for lumina@localhost = PASSWORD('<snipped>');
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

    MySQL [(none)]> grant all on *.* to lumina@localhost;
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

    MySQL [(none)]> ALTER USER lumina@localhost IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY '<snipped>';
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

    MySQL [(none)]> create database test_lumina;
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

    MySQL [(none)]> [Ctrl+C] Bye

"Index column size too large. The maximum column size is 767 bytes."

The Lumina server cannot create its schema due to a particularly stringent limit on "index prefix sizes" in older versions of MySQL.

This limit was increased in MySQL version 5.8, and thus this is the minimum version the Lumina server can work with.

"Error: Cannot connect to lumina db"

In this case, edit the configuration file, by default /opt/lumina/lumina.conf and replace Server=localhost by Server= in CONNSTR.


What is the Lumina server

The Lumina server is a "functions metadata" repository.

It is a place where IDA users can push, and pull such metadata, to ease their reverse-engineering work: metadata can be extracted from existing projects, and re-applied effortlessly to new projects, thereby reducing (sometimes dramatically) the amount of time needed to analyze binaries.

Functions metadata

The Lumina server associates "function metadata" to functions, by means of a (md5) hash of those functions: whenever it wants to push information to, or pull information from the server, IDA will first have to compute hashes of the functions it wants to retrieve metadata for, and send those hashes to the Lumina server.

Similarly, when IDA pushes information to the Lumina server, it will first compute hashes for the corresponding functions, extract the metadata corresponding to those from the .idb file, and send those hash+metadata pairs to the server.

Metadata contents

Metadata about functions can include:

  • function name

  • function address

  • function size

  • function prototype

  • function [repeatable] comments

  • instruction-specific [repeatable] comments

  • anterior/posterior (i.e., "extra") comments

  • user-defined "stack points" in the function’s frame

  • the function frame description and stack variables

  • instructions operands representations

Pushing & overriding metadata

When a user pushes metadata about a function whose md5 hash isn’t present in the database, the Lumina server will simply create a new record for it.

However, when a user pushes metadata about a function whose md5 hash (and associated metadata) is already present in the database, the Lumina server will attempt to "score" the quality of the old metadata and the quality of the new metadata. If the score of the new metadata is higher, the new function metadata will override the previous one.

When a user asks IDA to push all functions to the Lumina server, IDA will automatically skip some functions: those that still have a "dummy" name (e.g., sub_XXXX), or that are below a certain size threshold (i.e., 32 bytes) will be ignored.

Metadata history

The Lumina server retains a history of the metadata associated to functions. Using the lc utility, it is possible to dig into that history, and view changes (detailed diffs, too.)

File contents

It’s worth pointing out that when pushing metadata to the Lumina server, IDA will not push the binary file itself. Only the following metadata about the file itself will be sent:

  • the name of the input file

  • the name of the IDB file

  • a md5 hash of the input file

The Lumina server cannot therefore be used as a backup/repository for binary files & IDBs

Last updated