Connecting a remote PIN tool instance from IDA

For local debugging the PIN tool can be automatically launched by IDA. For remote debugging it must be launched manually, as in the following example:

  $ /path/to/pin -t /path/to/idadbg/lib -p PORT -- APPLICATION [ARGUMENTS]

Where PORT is the port that the PIN tool will listen for incoming connections from IDA. APPLICATION is the target application to be traced and the optional parameter ARGUMENTS are the arguments to be passed to the target application. Please note that on Win64 it may be required to specify the path to specific x64 binary instead to the pin.bat batch file.

To attach to an already running process instead of starting a new one a command like the following one must be executed:

  $ /path/to/pin -pid PID -t /full/path/to/idadbg/lib/with.extension -p PORT

Where PID is the pid of the running process to attach and PORT the port that the PIN tool will listen for incoming connections.

The hostname and port where the PIN tool is listening for incoming connections should be specified in IDA. See the Debugger, Process options dialog.

After successfully launching the PIN tool the IDA debugger can be launched by pressing F9 or selecting Debugger, Start Process.

PIN accepts the following optional environment variables and command line arguments:

  - Environment variables:
    IDAPIN_DEBUG: Set this environment variable to 1 or higher to print
    debugging information.

  - Command line arguments:
    -p number: Port where the PIN tool will listen for incoming connections from IDA
    -idadbg [0|1|2]: Same as the IDAPIN_DEBUG environment variable

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