Alpha Processor – Unix ELF

Assembler code

.text:0000000120001F30                 br      loc_120001FD0
.text:0000000120001F34 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0000000120001F34 loc_120001F34:                          # CODE XREF: main+274↑j
.text:0000000120001F34                 addq    $sp, 0xB8, $1 # '¸'
.text:0000000120001F38                 ldq     $16, 0x220+stream($sp) # stream
.text:0000000120001F3C                 ldq     $17, ((off_120103268 - 0x12010B130) and 0xFFFF)($gp)# off_120103268 # format
.text:0000000120001F40                 mov     $1, $18
.text:0000000120001F44                 ldq     $27, ((fscanf_ptr - 0x12010B130) and 0xFFFF)($gp)# fscanf_ptr
.text:0000000120001F48                 jsr     $26, ($27), 0x1620# fscanf
.text:0000000120001F4C                 ldah    $gp, 0x11($26)
.text:0000000120001F50                 lda     $gp, -0x6E1C($gp)
.text:0000000120001F54                 # gp = 000000012010B130
.text:0000000120001F54                 mov     $0, $1
.text:0000000120001F58                 subq    $1, 1, $2
.text:0000000120001F5C                 bne     $2, loc_120001FAC
.text:0000000120001F60                 addq    $sp, 0xB8, $1 # '¸'
.text:0000000120001F64                 mov     $1, $16         # s1
.text:0000000120001F68                 ldq     $17, ((s2 - 0x12010B130) and 0xFFFF)($gp)# s2 # s2
.text:0000000120001F6C                 ldq     $27, ((strcmp_ptr - 0x12010B130) and 0xFFFF)($gp)# strcmp_ptr
.text:0000000120001F70                 jsr     $26, ($27), 0x16DC# strcmp
.text:0000000120001F74                 ldah    $gp, 0x11($26)
.text:0000000120001F78                 lda     $gp, -0x6E44($gp)
.text:0000000120001F7C                 # gp = 000000012010B130
.text:0000000120001F7C                 mov     $0, $1
.text:0000000120001F80                 addq    $1, 0, $2
.text:0000000120001F84                 bne     $2, loc_120001F94
.text:0000000120001F88                 ldq     $1, ((clockport_ptr - 0x12010B130) and 0xFFFF)($gp)# clockport_ptr
.text:0000000120001F8C                 lda     $2, 0x170($31)
.text:0000000120001F90                 stl     $2, 0($1)
.text:0000000120001F94 loc_120001F94:                          # CODE XREF: main+2CC↑j
.text:0000000120001F94                 ldq     $16, 0x220+stream($sp) # stream
.text:0000000120001F98                 ldq     $27, ((fclose_ptr - 0x12010B130) and 0xFFFF)($gp)# fclose_ptr
.text:0000000120001F9C                 jsr     $26, ($27), 0x1698# fclose

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