How to Enter an Address

You should enter an address as a hexadecimal number or a location name. When you enter the address in the hexadecimal format, you can omit the segment part of the address and the current segment will be used. Addresses beyond the program limits are invalid.

Also, you can enter a location name with a displacement:


And finally you can specify a relative address:

        +10             0x10 bytes further
        -5              5 bytes backwards

If the entered string cannot be recognized as a hexadecimal number or location name, IDA will try to interpret it as an expression using the current script interpreter. The default interpreter is IDC.

Special addresses: $ - current location (depends on the current assembler) Examples:

456 current segment, offset 0x456

5E current segment, offset 0x5E

3000:34 segment 0x3000, offset 0x34

ds:67 segment pointed by ds, offset 0x67

0:4000000 linear address

0x4000000 start a location with name 'start'

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