Hex-Rays v1.7 vs. v1.6 Decompiler Comparison Page
Hex-Rays v1.7 vs. v1.6 Decompiler Comparison Page
Below you will find side-by-side comparisons of v1.6 and v1.7 decompilations. Please maximize the window too see both columns simultaneously.
The following examples are displayed on this page:
NOTE: these are just some selected examples that can be illustrated as a side-by-side difference. Hex-Rays Decompiler v1.7 includes are many other improvements and new features that are not mentioned on this page - simply because there was nothing to compare them with. Also, some improvements have already been illustrated in the previous comparisons. Please refer to the news page for more details.
Print else-if on the same line
A sequence of else-if's was getting indented to the right, but now the decompiler shows them nicely, aligned one below the other. A simple improvement, yet makes the output more readable.