
In this menu, you can select a command to jump to the specified location in the file. Jumps are very fast and your previous position is saved. This submenu contains the following items:

See also

Jump immediate

 Action    name: JumpEnter

By pressing <Enter> you navigate in the program in the same way as in a hypertext (the way the web browsers and help screens use).

This is the easiest way to explore the program: just position the cursor at the desired name and press "@<JumpEnter>".

Your current address is saved in the jump stack.

The Jump back command (usually Esc) will return you back.

If the cursor is at a stack variable, a window with stack variables is opened and the definition of the stack variable is displayed.

See also

Jump back

 Action    name: Return

This command brings you back to the previous position in the history. It takes positions from Jumps Stack.

See also

Undo the last 'Return' Command

 Action    name: UndoReturn

This command cancels the last Jump back command.

See also

Empty navigation stack

 Action    name: EmptyStack

This command clears the jump stack.

See also

Jump stack

Each IDA Window has its own jump stack. This stack keeps the cursor locations. Many IDA commands use the jump stack, i.e. they save the old cursor position to the stack. For example, when you are at the address 3000:0100 and press the Ctrl-C key (find instruction), the 3000:0100 is saved into the jump stack and the search is started. Afterwards, you can return to the old position using Jump back command.

You can clear the jump stack using the Empty stack menu command.

Jump to the specified address

Action    name: JumpAsk

This command jumps to the specified address in the program. IDA will ask you for the target address. You can enter a name or an address as a hexadecimal number with or without a segment. If you enter a valid address then:

  • the current address is saved in the jump stack.

  • the cursor is positioned to the specified address. The Jump back command (usually Esc) will return you back.

In the structure and enum views, the cursor will be moved to the corresponding offset in the current type.

See also

Jump to the specified file offset

Action    name: JumpFileOffset

IDA will ask you for a target file offset. This command jumps to the address corresponding to this specified file offset. If this file offset corresponds to a valid address then:

  • the current address is saved in the jump stack.

  • the cursor is positioned to the corresponding address. The Jump back command (usually Esc) will return you back.

Jump to the named location

Action    name: JumpName

This command allows you to jump to a name definition by selecting it from the list of the names.

IDA will display the list of the names (sorted by addresses) and you can choose a name. Dummy names (generated by IDA) are not listed. Hidden names are not listed either. You can control which names are listed in the Names representation dialog box.

See also How to use the lister.

Jump to the specified segment

Action    name: JumpSegment

This command jumps to the start of the selected segment. IDA will ask you to select the target segment. After:

  • the current address is saved in the jump stack.

  • the cursor is positioned to the specified address. The Jump back command (usually Esc) will return you back.

See also:

Jump to the specified segment register change point

Action    name: JumpSegmentRegister

This command jumps to the selected Segment Register Change Point. IDA will ask you to select a target change point. And after:

  • the current address is saved in the jump stack.

  • the cursor is positioned to the specified address. The Jump back command (usually Esc) will return you back.

Jump to a problematic location

Action    name: JumpQ

This command allows you to jump to a problematic location. IDA will display the Problems List and will allow you to select a problem.

The Jump back command (usually Esc) will return you back.

Mark Position

 Action    name: MarkPosition

You can mark certain locations of the file to be able to jump to them quickly. Text description of the location may help to find a desired location easily.

First select a slot for the mark, then enter a description for the location.

Jump to previously marked position

Action    name: JumpPosition

This command jumps to the selected position. IDA will ask you to select a target position. After:

  • the current address is saved in the jump stack.

  • the cursor is positioned to the specified address.

The Jump back command (usually Esc) will return you back.

You can mark the position using Mark Position command.

Jump to cross reference

This command shows you a list of cross-references to the current location: you can jump to the selected one by pressing Enter.

Click here to see the description of the cross reference dialog box.

See also

Cross reference attributes

The cross reference dialog displays a list of references to the various items. Each line has the following attributes:

Direction Up or Down. Meaningful for program address; denotes where the reference comes from, from the lower addresses than the reference target (down) or from higher addresses (up).


        The following types exist:

          o - offset, the address of the item is taken
          r - read access
          w - write access
          t - textual referenced (used for manually specified operands)
          i - informational (e.g. a derived class refers to its base class)
          J - far (intersegment) jump
          j - near (intrasegment) jump
          P - far (intersegment) call
          p - near (intrasegment) call
          ^ - ordinary flow
          s - xref from a structure
          m - xref from a structure member
          k - xref from a stack variable


        For 'xrefs to' dialogs: where the reference comes from (source)
        For 'xrefs from' dialogs: where the reference goes to (destination)


        Additional info about the cross reference

Jump to cross reference from current location

Action    name: JumpXrefFrom

This command shows you a list of cross-references from the current location: you can jump to the selected one by pressing Enter.

Click here to see the description of the cross reference dialog box.

See also

Jump to cross references to operand

 Action    name: JumpOpXref

This command shows you a list of cross-references to the current operand: you can jump to the selected one by pressing Enter.

Click here to see the description of the cross reference dialog box.

See also

Jump to function

 Action    name: JumpFunction

This command shows you a list of functions: you can jump to the selected one by pressing Enter.

See also

Jump to next function

Action    name: JumpNextFunc

This command searches the start of the next function and jumps to the found address.

Jump to previous function

 Action    name: JumpPrevFunc

This command searches the start of the previous function and jumps to the found address.

Jump to Entry Point

 Action    name: JumpEntryPoint

This command shows you a list of entry points: you can jump to the selected one by pressing Enter.

The list of entry points is created at the database creation time. It is not modified after that (for example, renaming an exported function does not change the list of entry points).

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