C++ SDK Porting Guide from IDA 8.x to 9.0

IDA 9.0 API Changes and porting guide


The largest change is the removal of two headers:

  • struct.hpp

  • enum.hpp

The functionalities for working with user-defined types are now available in typeinf.hpp (tinfo_t class).


Removed classes

  • class member_t;

  • class struc_t;

struc_t is replaced by the notion of "user-defined type" (udt_type_data_t class) and member_t by dt member (udm_t class).

Removed APIs

  • get_struc_qty() Rough equivalent is get_ordinal_limit() or get_ordinal_count() but note that it also includes enums and typedefs.

  • get_first_struc_idx()

  • get_last_struc_idx()

  • get_prev_struc_idx()

  • get_next_struc_idx()

Local type ordinals always start at 1 (0 is invalid ordinal) and go up to get_ordinal_limit().

  • get_struc_idx(tid_t id)

  • get_struc_by_idx(uval_t idx)


Enumerations are now manipulated via:

  • tinfo_t class

  • enum_type_data_t class

  • edm_t class. in typeinf.hpp

Removed APIs

  • get_enum_qty(void)

  • getn_enum(size_t idx)

  • get_enum_idx(enum_t id)

  • get_enum(const char *name)

  • is_bf(enum_t id)

  • is_enum_hidden(enum_t id)

  • set_enum_hidden(enum_t id, bool hidden)

  • is_enum_fromtil(enum_t id)

  • set_enum_fromtil(enum_t id, bool fromtil)

  • is_ghost_enum(enum_t id)

  • set_enum_ghost(enum_t id, bool ghost)

  • get_enum_name(qstring *out, enum_t id)

  • get_enum_name2(qstring *out, enum_t id, int flags=0)

  • get_enum_name(tid_t id, int flags=0)

  • get_enum_width(enum_t id)

  • set_enum_width(enum_t id, int width)

  • get_enum_cmt(qstring *buf, enum_t id, bool repeatable)

  • get_enum_size(enum_t id)

  • get_enum_flag(enum_t id)

  • get_enum_member_by_name(const char *name)

  • get_enum_member_value(const_t id)

  • get_enum_member_enum(const_t id)

  • get_enum_member_bmask(const_t id)

  • get_enum_member(enum_t id, uval_t value, int serial, bmask_t mask)

  • get_first_bmask(enum_t enum_id)

  • get_last_bmask(enum_t enum_id)

  • get_next_bmask(enum_t enum_id, bmask_t bmask\)

  • get_prev_bmask(enum_t enum_id, bmask_t bmask)

  • get_first_enum_member(enum_t id, bmask_t bmask=DEFMASK)

  • get_last_enum_member(enum_t id, bmask_t bmask=DEFMASK)

  • get_next_enum_member(enum_t id, uval_t value, bmask_t bmask=DEFMASK)

  • get_prev_enum_member(enum_t id, uval_t value, bmask_t bmask=DEFMASK)

  • get_enum_member_name(qstring *out, const_t id)

  • get_enum_member_cmt(qstring *buf, const_t id, bool repeatable)

  • get_first_serial_enum_member(uchar *out_serial, enum_t id, uval_t value, bmask_t bmask)

  • get_last_serial_enum_member(uchar *out_serial, enum_t id, uval_t value, bmask_t bmask)

  • get_next_serial_enum_member(uchar *in_out_serial, const_t first_cid)

  • get_prev_serial_enum_member(uchar *in_out_serial, const_t first_cid)

  • for_all_enum_members(enum_t id, enum_member_visitor_t &cv)

  • ida_export get_enum_member_serial(const_t cid)

  • get_enum_type_ordinal(enum_t id)

  • set_enum_type_ordinal(enum_t id, int32 ord)

  • add_enum(size_t idx, const char *name, flags64_t flag)

  • del_enum(enum_t id)

  • set_enum_idx(enum_t id, size_t idx)

  • set_enum_bf(enum_t id, bool bf)

  • set_enum_name(enum_t id, const char *name)

  • set_enum_cmt(enum_t id, const char *cmt, bool repeatable)

  • set_enum_flag(enum_t id, flags64_t flag)

  • add_enum_member(enum_t id, const char *name, uval_t value, bmask_t bmask=DEFMASK)

  • del_enum_member(enum_t id, uval_t value, uchar serial, bmask_t bmask)

  • set_enum_member_name(const_t id, const char *name)

  • set_enum_member_cmt(const_t id, const char *cmt, bool repeatable)

  • is_one_bit_mask(bmask_t mask)

  • set_bmask_name(enum_t id, bmask_t bmask, const char *name)

  • get_bmask_name(qstring *out, enum_t id, bmask_t bmask)

  • set_bmask_cmt(enum_t id, bmask_t bmask, const char *cmt, bool repeatable)

  • get_bmask_cmt(qstring *buf, enum_t id, bmask_t bmask, bool repeatable)


Added APIs

  • idaman ea_t ida_export find_binary(ea_t startea, ea_t endea, const char *ubinstr, int radix, int sflag, int strlits_encoding=0)

Modified APIs

In 8.4In 9.0

idaman bool ida_export get_octet2(uchar *out, octet_generator_t *ogen)

idaman bool ida_export get_octet(uchar *out, octet_generator_t *ogen)

idaman bool ida_export op_enum(ea_t ea, int n, enum_t id, uchar serial=0)

idaman bool ida_export op_enum(ea_t ea, int n, tid_t id, uchar serial=0)

idaman enum_t ida_export get_enum_id(uchar *serial, ea_t ea, int n)

idaman tid_t ida_export get_enum_id(uchar *serial, ea_t ea, int n)

idaman ea_t ida_export bin_search3(size_t *out_matched_idx, ea_t start_ea, ea_t end_ea, const compiled_binpat_vec_t &data, int flags)

idaman ea_t ida_export bin_search(ea_t start_ea, ea_t end_ea, const compiled_binpat_vec_t &data, int flags, size_t *out_matched_idx=nullptr)

Removed APIs

  • bin_search2(ea_t start_ea, ea_t end_ea, const compiled_binpat_vec_t &data, int flags)

  • bin_search(ea_t, ea_t, const uchar *, const uchar *, size_t, int, int)

  • get_8bit(ea_t *ea, uint32 *v, int *nbit)

  • get_octet(ea_t *ea, uint64 *v, int *nbit)

  • free_chunk(ea_t bottom, asize_t size, int32 step)


Modified APIs

In 8.4In 9.0

idaman bool ida_export dirtree_get_abspath_by_cursor2(qstring *out, const dirtree_impl_t *d, const dirtree_cursor_t &cursor, uint32 name_flags)

idaman bool ida_export dirtree_get_abspath_by_cursor(qstring *out, const dirtree_impl_t *d, const dirtree_cursor_t &cursor, uint32 name_flags)


Modified APIs

In 8.4In 9.0

idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export enumerate_files2(char *answer, size_t answer_size, const char *path, const char *fname, file_enumerator_t &fv)

idaman THREAD_SAFE int ida_export enumerate_files(char *answer, size_t answer_size, const char *path, const char *fname, file_enumerator_t &fv)

Removed APIs

  • ecreate(const char *file)

  • eclose(FILE *fp)

  • eread(FILE *fp, void *buf, size_t size)

  • ewrite(FILE *fp, const void *buf, size_t size)

  • eseek(FILE *fp, qoff64_t pos)

  • enumerate_files(char *answer, size_t answer_size, const char *path, const char *fname, int (idaapi*func)(const char *file,void *ud), void *ud=nullptr)


Removed APIs

  • qerrcode(int new_code=-1)


Modified APIs

In 8.4In 9.0

bool extlang_t::(idaapi *compile_file)(const char *file, qstring *errbuf)

bool extlang_t::(idaapi *compile_file)(const char *file, const char *requested_namespace, qstring *errbuf)


Added APIs

  • idaman bool ida_export add_frame_member(const func_t *pfn, const char *name, uval_t offset, const tinfo_t &tif, const struct value_repr_t *repr=nullptr, uint etf_flags=0)

  • THREAD_SAFE bool is_anonymous_member_name(const char *name)

  • THREAD_SAFE bool is_dummy_member_name(const char *name)

  • idaman bool ida_export is_special_frame_member(tid_t tid)

  • idaman bool ida_export set_frame_member_type(const func_t *pfn, uval_t offset, const tinfo_t &tif, const struct value_repr_t *repr=nullptr, uint etf_flags=0)

  • idaman bool ida_export delete_frame_members(const func_t *pfn, uval_t start_offset, uval_t end_offset)

  • idaman sval_t ida_export calc_frame_offset(func_t *pfn, sval_t off, const insn_t *insn = nullptr, const op_t *op = nullptr)

Modified PIs

In 8.4In 9.0

idaman struc_t *ida_export get_frame(const func_t *pfn)

idaman bool ida_export get_func_frame(tinfo_t *out, const func_t *pfn)

idaman bool ida_export define_stkvar(func_t *pfn, const char *name, sval_t off, flags64_t flags, const opinfo_t *ti, asize_t nbytes)

idaman bool ida_export define_stkvar(func_t *pfn, const char *name, sval_t off, const tinfo_t &tif, const struct value_repr_t *repr=nullptr)

idaman void ida_export build_stkvar_xrefs(xreflist_t *out, func_t *pfn, const member_t *mptr)

idaman void ida_export build_stkvar_xrefs(xreflist_t *out, func_t *pfn, uval_t start_offset, uval_t end_offset)

Removed APIs

  • get_frame_member_by_id(qstring *out_mname, struc_t **out_fptr, tid_t mid)

  • get_stkvar(sval_t *actval, const insn_t &insn, const op_t &x, sval_t v) See get_stkvar in ida_typeinf.tinfo_t

  • get_min_spd_ea(func_t *pfn)

  • delete_unreferenced_stkvars(func_t *pfn)

  • delete_wrong_stkvar_ops(func_t *pfn)


Added APIs

  • bool func_item_iterator_t::set_ea(ea_t _ea)

Removed APIs

  • save_signatures(void)

  • invalidate_sp_analysis(func_t *pfn)

  • invalidate_sp_analysis(ea_t ea)


Added classes/structures

  • struct edge_t

  • class node_ordering_t


Added classes/structures

  • class control_graph_t

  • class edge_mapper_t

  • class node_bitset_t

  • class array_of_node_bitset_t

  • struct ctry_t

  • struct cthrow_t

  • struct catchexpr_t

  • struct ccatch_t

  • struct cblock_pos_t

Added APIs

  • uvlr_t max_vlr_value(int size)

  • uvlr_t min_vlr_svalue(int size)

  • uvlr_t max_vlr_svalue(int size)

  • bool is_unsigned_cmpop(cmpop_t cmpop)

  • bool is_signed_cmpop(cmpop_t cmpop)

  • bool is_cmpop_with_eq(cmpop_t cmpop)

  • bool is_cmpop_without_eq(cmpop_t cmpop)


  • bool was_scattered_arg() const

  • void set_scattered_arg()

  • void clr_scattered_arg()


  • int find_input_reg(int reg, int _size=1)


  • virtual bool ignore_edge(int /*src*/, int /*dst*/ ) const

  • void hexapi compute_dominators(array_of_node_bitset_t &domin, bool post=false) const

  • void hexapi compute_immediate_dominators(const array_of_node_bitset_t &domin, intvec_t &idomin, bool post=false) const

  • int hexapi depth_first_preorder(node_ordering_t *pre) const

  • int hexapi depth_first_postorder(node_ordering_t *post) const

  • void depth_first_postorder(node_ordering_t *post, edge_mapper_t *et) const

  • void depth_first_postorder_for_all_entries(node_ordering_t *post) const

  • intvec_t find_dead_nodes() const

  • void find_reaching_nodes(int n, node_bitset_t &reaching) const

  • bool path_exists(int m, int n) const

  • bool path_back(const array_of_node_bitset_t &domin, int m, int n) const

  • bool path_back(const edge_mapper_t &et, int m, int n) const

  • iterator begin() const

  • iterator end()

  • int front()

  • void inc(iterator &p, int n=1) const

  • virtual int hexapi goup(int node) const


  • int calc_max_exp() const

  • bool is_nan() const


  • bool was_unpaired() const


  • mblock_t *hexapi split_block(mblock_t *blk, minsn_t *start_insn)

  • merror_t hexapi inline_func(codegen_t &cdg, int blknum, mba_ranges_t &ranges, int decomp_flags=0, int inline_flags=0)

  • const stkpnt_t *hexapi locate_stkpnt(ea_t ea) const


  • void hexapi clear()


  • virtual const char *what() const noexcept override

Modified APIs

In 8.4In 9.0

void hexapi save_user_labels2(ea_t func_ea, const user_labels_t *user_labels, const cfunc_t *func=nullptr)

void hexapi save_user_labels(ea_t func_ea, const user_labels_t *user_labels, const cfunc_t *func=nullptr)

user_labels_t *hexapi restore_user_labels2(ea_t func_ea, const cfunc_t *func=nullptr)

user_labels_t *hexapi restore_user_labels(ea_t func_ea, const cfunc_t *func=nullptr)


In 8.4In 9.0

member_t *hexapi get_stkvar(uval_t *p_off=nullptr) const

ssize_t hexapi get_stkvar(udm_t *udm=nullptr, uval_t *p_off=nullptr) const


In 8.4In 9.0

member_t *get_stkvar(uval_t *p_off) const

ssize_t get_stkvar(udm_t *udm=nullptr, uval_t *p_off=nullptr) const


In 8.4In 9.0

member_t *get_stkvar(sval_t vd_stkoff, uval_t *poff) const

ssize_t get_stkvar(udm_t *udm, sval_t vd_stkoff, uval_t *poff=nullptr) const

const mblock_t *get_mblock(int n) const

const mblock_t *get_mblock(uint n) const

mblock_t *get_mblock(int n)

mblock_t *get_mblock(uint n)

bool hexapi combine_blocks()

bool hexapi merge_blocks()


In 8.4In 9.0

bool cvt_to_cmp(cmpop_t *cmp, uvlr_t *val, bool strict) const

bool valrng_t::cvt_to_cmp(cmpop_t *cmp, uvlr_t *val) const

Removed APIs:

  • bool hexapi get_member_type(const member_t *mptr, tinfo_t *type)

  • bool hexapi checkout_hexrays_license(bool silent)

  • bool get_member_type(const member_t *mptr, tinfo_t *type)


  • static uvlr_t max_value(int size_)

  • static uvlr_t min_svalue(int size_)

  • static uvlr_t max_svalue(int size_)


  • member_t *hexapi get_memptr(struc_t **p_sptr=nullptr) const


  • cblock_t *get_block()


  • bool hexapi set_strmem_type(struc_t *sptr, member_t *mptr)

  • bool hexapi rename_strmem(struc_t *sptr, member_t *mptr)


Removed classes/structures

  • class node_ordering_t See code

  • struct edge_t See code

Modified classes/structures

In 8.4In 9.0

class abstract_graph_t

class drawable_graph_t

class mutable_graph_t

class interactive_graph_t

Modified APIs

In 8.4In 9.0

mutable_graph_t *idaapi create_mutable_graph(uval_t id)

interactive_graph_t *idaapi create_interactive_graph(uval_t id)

mutable_graph_t *idaapi create_disasm_graph(ea_t ea)

interactive_graph_t *idaapi create_disasm_graph(ea_t ea)

mutable_graph_t *idaapi create_disasm_graph(const rangevec_t &ranges)

interactive_graph_t *idaapi create_disasm_graph(const rangevec_t &ranges)

mutable_graph_t *idaapi get_viewer_graph(graph_viewer_t *gv)

interactive_graph_t *idaapi get_viewer_graph(graph_viewer_t *gv)

void idaapi set_viewer_graph(graph_viewer_t *gv, mutable_graph_t *g)

void idaapi set_viewer_graph(graph_viewer_t *gv, interactive_graph_t *g)

void idaapi delete_mutable_graph(mutable_graph_t *g)

void idaapi delete_interactive_graph(interactive_graph_t *g)

void idaapi mutable_graph_t::del_custom_layout(void)

void idaapi interactive_graph_t::del_custom_layout(void)

void idaapi mutable_graph_t::set_custom_layout(void) const

void idaapi interactive_graph_t::set_custom_layout(void) const

void idaapi mutable_graph_t::set_graph_groups(void) const

void idaapi interactive_graph_t::set_graph_groups(void) const

void idaapi mutable_graph_t::clear(void)

void idaapi interactive_graph_t::clear(void)

bool idaapi mutable_graph_t::create_digraph_layout(void)

bool idaapi interactive_graph_t::create_digraph_layout(void)

bool idaapi abstract_graph_t::create_tree_layout(void)

bool idaapi drawable_graph_t::create_tree_layout(void)

bool idaapi abstract_graph_t::create_circle_layout(point_t c, int radius)

bool idaapi drawable_graph_t::create_circle_layout(point_t c, int radius)

int idaapi mutable_graph_t::get_node_representative(int node)

int idaapi interactive_graph_t::get_node_representative(int node)

int idaapi mutable_graph_t::_find_subgraph_node(int gr, int n) const

int idaapi interactive_graph_t::_find_subgraph_node(int gr, int n) const

int idaapi mutable_graph_t::create_group(const intvec_t &_nodes)

int idaapi interactive_graph_t::create_group(const intvec_t &_nodes)

bool idaapi mutable_graph_t::get_custom_layout(void)

bool idaapi interactive_graph_t::get_custom_layout(void)

bool idaapi mutable_graph_t::get_graph_groups(void)

bool idaapi interactive_graph_t::get_graph_groups(void)

bool idaapi mutable_graph_t::empty(void) const

bool idaapi interactive_graph_t::empty(void) const

bool idaapi mutable_graph_t::is_visible_node(int node) const

bool idaapi interactive_graph_t::is_visible_node(int node) const

bool idaapi mutable_graph_t::delete_group(int group)

bool idaapi interactive_graph_t::delete_group(int group)

bool idaapi mutable_graph_t::change_group_visibility(int gr, bool exp)

bool idaapi interactive_graph_t::change_group_visibility(int gr, bool exp)

bool idaapi mutable_graph_t::set_edge(edge_t e, const edge_info_t *ei)

bool idaapi interactive_graph_t::set_edge(edge_t e, const edge_info_t *ei)

int idaapi mutable_graph_t::node_qty(void) const

int idaapi interactive_graph_t::node_qty(void) const

rect_t &idaapi mutable_graph_t::nrect(int n)

rect_t &idaapi interactive_graph_t::nrect(int n)


The new header for the IDA library

Added APIs

  • idaman int ida_export init_library(int argc = 0, char *argv[] = nullptr)

  • idaman int ida_export open_database(const char *file_path, bool run_auto)

  • idaman void ida_export close_database(bool save)


Added APIs

  • idaman int ida_export cpu2ieee(fpvalue_t *ieee_out, const void *cpu_fpval, int size)

  • idaman int ida_export ieee2cpu(void *cpu_fpval, const fpvalue_t &ieee_out, int size)


Removed APIs:

  • processor_t::has_realcvt(void) const

Modified APIs:

In 8.4In 9.0

static ssize_t processor_t::gen_stkvar_def(outctx_t &ctx, const class member_t *mptr, sval_t v)

static ssize_t processor_t::gen_stkvar_def(outctx_t &ctx, const struct udm_t *mptr, sval_t v, tid_t tid)

Added APIs


  • const op_t *procmod_t::make_op_reg(op_t *op, int reg, int8 dtype = -1) const

  • const op_t *procmod_t::make_op_imm(op_t *op, uval_t val, int8 dtype = -1) const

  • const op_t *procmod_t::make_op_displ(op_t *op, int base_reg, uval_t displ, int8 dtype = -1) const

  • const op_t *procmod_t::make_op_phrase(op_t *op, int base_reg, int index_reg, int8 dtype = -1) const

See also IDB events for a table providing a list a event replacement and removal.


Removed APIs

  • open_enums_window(tid_t const_id=BADADDR)

  • open_structs_window(tid_t id=BADADDR, uval_t offset=0)

  • choose_struc(const char *title)

  • choose_enum_by_value(const char *title, enum_t default_id, uint64 value, int nbytes, uchar *serial)

Removed classes/structures

  • class enumplace_t

  • class structplace_t

Added APIs

  • bool is_ida_library(char *path, size_t pathsize, void** handle)


  • const tagged_line_section_t::tagged_line_section_t *nearest_before(const tagged_line_section_t &range, cpidx_t start, color_t tag=0) const

  • const tagged_line_section_t::tagged_line_section_t *nearest_after(const tagged_line_section_t &range, cpidx_t start, color_t tag=0) const


  • bool chooser_base_t::has_widget_lifecycle() const

Modified APIs

In 8.4In 9.0

ea_t choose_stkvar_xref(func_t *pfn, member_t *mptr)

ea_t choose_stkvar_xref(func_t *pfn, tid_t srkvar_tid)

bool tagged_line_section_t::substr(qstring *out, const qstring &in) const

bool tagged_line_section_t::substr(qstring *out,,const qstring &in, const tagged_line_section_t *end = nullptr) const


Modified APIs

In 8.4In 9.0

idaman lexer_t *ida_export create_lexer(const char *const *keys, size_t size, void *ud=nullptr)

idaman lexer_t *ida_export create_lexer(const char *const *keys, size_t size, void *ud=nullptr, uint32 macro_flags=0)


Removed APIs

  • set_user_defined_prefix(size_t width, void (idaapi *get_user_defined_prefix)(qstring *buf, ea_t ea, int lnnum, int indent, const char *line))

Modified APIs

In 8.4In 9.0

idaman void ida_export update_extra_cmt(ea_t ea, int what, const char *str)

idaman bool ida_export update_extra_cmt(ea_t ea, int what, const char *str)

idaman void ida_export del_extra_cmt(ea_t ea, int what)

idaman bool ida_export del_extra_cmt(ea_t ea, int what)


Modified APIs

In 8.4In 9.0

idaman int ida_export validate_idb_names2(bool do_repair)

idaman int ida_export validate_idb_names(bool do_repair)


Added APIs


  • void jvalue_t::set_str(const char *s)


  • void jobj_t::put(const char *key, const jobj_t &value)


Removed APIs

  • unpack_memory(void *buf, size_t size, const uchar **pptr, const uchar *end)

Added APIs

  • idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export get_login_name(qstring *out)

  • idaman void *ida_export pipe_process(qhandle_t *read_handle, qhandle_t *write_handle, launch_process_params_t *lpp, qstring *errbuf=nullptr)


  • qstring bytevec_t::tohex(bool upper_case=true) const


  • void qlist::splice(iterator pos, qlist &other, iterator first, iterator last)

Added classes/structures

  • struct memory_serializer_t


Removed APIs

  • regcomp(struct regex_t *preg, const char *pattern, int cflags)

  • regerror(int errcode, const struct regex_t *preg, char *errbuf, size_t errbuf_size)

  • regexec(const struct regex_t *preg, const char *str, size_t nmatch, struct regmatch_t pmatch[], int eflags)

  • regfree(struct regex_t *preg)


Modified APIs

In 8.4In 9.0

void ida_export reg_finder_invalidate_cache(reg_finder_t *_this, ea_t ea)

void ida_export reg_finder_invalidate_cache(reg_finder_t *_this, ea_t to, ea_t from)

bool ida_export reg_finder_calc_op_addr(reg_finder_t *_this, reg_value_info_t *addr, const op_t *memop, const insn_t *insn, ea_t ea, ea_t ds)

bool ida_export reg_finder_calc_op_addr(reg_finder_t *_this, reg_value_info_t *addr, const op_t *memop, const insn_t *insn, ea_t ea, ea_t ds, int max_depth)

bool ida_export reg_finder_may_modify_stkvars(const reg_finder_t *_this, reg_finder_op_t op, const insn_t *insn)

bool ida_export reg_finder_may_modify_stkvar(const reg_finder_t *_this, reg_finder_op_t op, const insn_t *insn)

void idaapi invalidate_regfinder_cache(ea_t ea = BADADDR)

void idaapi invalidate_regfinder_cache(ea_t to = BADADDR, ea_t from = BADADDR)

Removed APIs

  • reg_finder_op_make_rfop(func_t *pfn, const insn_t &insn, const op_t &op)

Added APIs

  • void reg_value_info_t::movt(const reg_value_info_t &r, const insn_t &insn)

  • static int reg_finder_op_t::get_op_width(const op_t &op)

  • static reg_finder_op_t reg_finder_op_t::make_stkoff(sval_t stkoff, int width)


Removed APIs

  • reg_load(void)

  • reg_flush(void)


Removed APIs

  • user2bin(uchar *, uchar *, ea_t, const char *, int, bool)

  • find_binary(ea_t, ea_t, const char *, int, int)


Removed APIs

  • set_numbered_type(til_t *ti, uint32 ordinal, int ntf_flags, const char *name, const type_t *type, const p_list *fields=nullptr, const char *cmt=nullptr, const p_list *fldcmts=nullptr, const sclass_t *sclass=nullptr)

  • get_ordinal_from_idb_type(const char *name, const type_t *type)

  • is_autosync(const char *name, const type_t *type)

  • is_autosync(const char *name, const tinfo_t &tif)

  • import_type(const til_t *til, int idx, const char *name, int flags=0)

  • get_udm_tid(const udm_t *udm, const char *udt_name)

Modified APIs

In 8.4In 9.0

bool ida_export create_tinfo2(tinfo_t *_this, type_t bt, type_t bt2, void *ptr)

bool ida_export create_tinfo(tinfo_t *_this, type_t bt, type_t bt2, void *ptr)

int ida_export verify_tinfo(uint32 typid)

int ida_export verify_tinfo(typid_t typid)

bool ida_export get_tinfo_details2(uint32 typid, type_t bt2, void *buf)

bool ida_export get_tinfo_details(typid_t typid, type_t bt2, void *buf)

size_t ida_export get_tinfo_size(uint32 *p_effalign, uint32 typid, int gts_code)

size_t ida_export get_tinfo_size(uint32 *p_effalign, typid_t typid, int gts_code)

size_t ida_export get_tinfo_pdata(void *outptr, uint32 typid, int what)

size_t ida_export get_tinfo_pdata(void *outptr, typid_t typid, int what)

size_t ida_export get_tinfo_property(uint32 typid, int gta_prop)

size_t ida_export get_tinfo_property(typid_t typid, int gta_prop)

size_t ida_export get_tinfo_property4(uint32 typid, int gta_prop, size_t p1, size_t p2, size_t p3, size_t p4)

size_t ida_export get_tinfo_property4(typid_t typid, int gta_prop, size_t p1, size_t p2, size_t p3, size_t p4)

bool ida_export deserialize_tinfo2(tinfo_t *tif, const til_t *til, const type_t **ptype, const p_list **pfields, const p_list **pfldcmts, const char *cmt)

bool ida_export deserialize_tinfo(tinfo_t *tif, const til_t *til, const type_t **ptype, const p_list **pfields, const p_list **pfldcmts, const char *cmt)

int ida_export find_tinfo_udt_member(udm_t *udm, uint32 typid, int strmem_flags)

int ida_export find_tinfo_udt_member(udm_t *udm, typid_t typid, int strmem_flags)

bool ida_export compare_tinfo(uint32 t1, uint32 t2, int tcflags)

bool ida_export compare_tinfo(typid_t t1, typid_t t2, int tcflags)

int ida_export lexcompare_tinfo(uint32 t1, uint32 t2, int)

int ida_export lexcompare_tinfo(typid_t t1, typid_t t2, int)

uint64 ida_export read_tinfo_bitfield_value(uint32 typid, uint64 v, int bitoff)

uint64 ida_export read_tinfo_bitfield_value(typid_t typid, uint64 v, int bitoff)

uint64 ida_export write_tinfo_bitfield_value(uint32 typid, uint64 dst, uint64 v, int bitoff)

uint64 ida_export write_tinfo_bitfield_value(typid_t typid, uint64 dst, uint64 v, int bitoff)

bool ida_export get_tinfo_attr(uint32 typid, const qstring &key, bytevec_t *bv, bool all_attrs)

bool ida_export get_tinfo_attr(typid_t typid, const qstring &key, bytevec_t *bv, bool all_attrs)

bool ida_export get_tinfo_attrs(uint32 typid, type_attrs_t *tav, bool include_ref_attrs)

bool ida_export get_tinfo_attrs(typid_t typid, type_attrs_t *tav, bool include_ref_attrs)

bool ida_export append_tinfo_covered(rangeset_t *out, uint32 typid, uint64 offset)

bool ida_export append_tinfo_covered(rangeset_t *out, typid_t typid, uint64 offset)

bool ida_export calc_tinfo_gaps(rangeset_t *out, uint32 typid)

bool ida_export calc_tinfo_gaps(rangeset_t *out, typid_t typid)

bool ida_export name_requires_qualifier(qstring *out, uint32 typid, const char *name, uint64 offset)

bool ida_export name_requires_qualifier(qstring *out, typid_t typid, const char *name, uint64 offset)

void ida_export tinfo_get_innermost_udm(tinfo_t *itif, const tinfo_t *tif, uint64 offset, size_t *udm_idx, uint64 *bit_offset)

void ida_export tinfo_get_innermost_udm(tinfo_t *itif, const tinfo_t *tif, uint64 offset, size_t *udm_idx, uint64 *bit_offset, bool return_member_type)

tinfo_code_t tinfo_t::find_edm(edm_t *edm, uint64 value, bmask64_t bmask=DEFMASK64, uchar serial=0) const

ssize_t tinfo_t::find_edm(edm_t *edm, uint64 value, bmask64_t bmask=DEFMASK64, uchar serial=0) const

tinfo_code_t tinfo_t::find_edm(edm_t *edm, const char *name) const

ssize_t tinfo_t::find_edm(edm_t *edm, const char *name) const

bool tinfo_t::get_type_by_edm_name(const char *mname, til_t *til=nullptr)

ssize_t tinfo_t::get_edm_by_name(const char *mname, const til_t *til=nullptr)

void ida_export gen_use_arg_tinfos2(struct argtinfo_helper_t *_this, ea_t caller, func_type_data_t *fti, funcargvec_t *rargs)

void ida_export gen_use_arg_tinfos(struct argtinfo_helper_t *_this, ea_t caller, func_type_data_t *fti, funcargvec_t *rargs)

Added classes/structures

  • struct udm_visitor_t

Added APIs

  • bool ida_export detach_tinfo_t(tinfo_t *_this)

  • bool stroff_as_size(int plen, const tinfo_t &tif, asize_t value)

  • int ida_export visit_stroff_udms(udm_visitor_t &sfv, const tid_t *path, int plen, adiff_t *disp, bool appzero)

  • bool is_one_bit_mask(uval_t mask)


  • til_t *til_t::find_base(const char *n)


  • void callregs_t::set_registers(reg_kind_t kind, int first_reg, int last_reg)


  • bool tinfo_t::get_named_type(const char *name, type_t decl_type=BTF_TYPEDEF, bool resolve=true, bool try_ordinal=true)

  • bool tinfo_t::get_numbered_type(uint32 ordinal, type_t decl_type=BTF_TYPEDEF, bool resolve=true)

  • bool tinfo_t::detach()

  • bool tinfo_t::is_punknown()

  • int tinfo_t::find_udm(uint64 offset, int strmem_flags=0) const

  • int tinfo_t::find_udm(const char *name, int strmem_flags=0) const

  • size_t tinfo_t::get_enum_nmembers() const

  • bool tinfo_t::is_empty_enum() const

  • tinfo_code_t tinfo_t::get_enum_repr(value_repr_t *repr) const

  • int tinfo_t::get_enum_width() const

  • uint64 tinfo_t::calc_enum_mask() const

  • tid_t tnfo_t::get_edm_tid(size_t idx) const

  • tinfo_t tinfo_t::get_innermost_member_type(uint64 bitoffset, uint64 *out_bitoffset=nullptr) const

  • bool tinfo_t::is_udm_by_til(size_t idx) const

  • tinfo_code_t tinfo_t::set_udm_by_til(size_t idx, bool on=true, uint etf_flags=0)

  • tinfo_code_t tinfo_t::set_fixed_struct(bool on=true)

  • tinfo_code_t tinfo_t::set_struct_size(size_t new_size)

  • bool tinfo_t::is_fixed_struct() const

  • bool tinfo_t::get_func_frame(const func_t *pfn)

  • bool tinfo_t::is_frame() const

  • ea_t tinfo_t::get_frame_func() const

  • ssize_t tinfo_t::get_stkvar(sval_t *actval, const insn_t &insn, const op_t *x, sval_t v)

  • tinfo_code_t tinfo_t::set_enum_radix(int radix, bool sign, uint etf_flags=0)

  • tinfo_code_t tinfo_t::set_funcarg_type(size_t index, const tinfo_t &tif, uint etf_flags=0)

  • tinfo_code_t tinfo_t::set_func_rettype(const tinfo_t &tif, uint etf_flags=0)

  • tinfo_code_t tinfo_t::del_funcargs(size_t idx1, size_t idx2, uint etf_flags=0)

  • tinfo_code_t tinfo_t::del_funcarg(size_t idx, uint etf_flags=0)

  • tinfo_code_t tinfo_t::add_funcarg(const funcarg_t &farg, uint etf_flags=0, ssize_t idx=-1)

  • tinfo_code_t tinfo_t::set_func_cc(cm_t cc, uint etf_flags=0)

  • tinfo_code_t tinfo_t::set_funcarg_loc(size_t index, const argloc_t &argloc, uint etf_flags=0)

  • tinfo_code_t tinfo_t::et_func_retloc(const argloc_t &argloc, uint etf_flags=0)


  • ssize_t func_type_data_t::find_argument(const char *name, size_t from=0, size_t to=size_t(-1)) const


  • tinfo_code_t enum_type_data_t::get_value_repr(value_repr_t *repr) const

  • uchar enum_type_data_t::get_serial(size_t index) const

  • uchar enum_type_data_t::get_max_serial(uint64 value) const


  • bool udm_t::is_retaddr() const

  • bool udm_t::is_savregs() const

  • bool udm_t::is_special_member() const

  • bool udm_t::is_by_til() const

  • void udm_t::set_retaddr(bool on=true)

  • void udm_t::set_savregs(bool on=true)

  • void udm_t::set_by_til(bool on=true)


  • bool udt_type_data_t::is_fixed() const

  • void udt_type_data_t::set_fixed(bool on=true)

IDB events

The following table provide a list of IDB events that have been replaced or, in some cases, removed.

Since 7In 9.0


















lt_udt_expanded, frame_expanded, local_types_changed


lt_udm_created, frame_udm_created, local_types_changed




lt_udm_deleted, frame_udm_deleted, local_types_changed




lt_udm_renamed, frame_udm_renamed, local_types_changed




lt_udm_changed, frame_udm_changed, local_types_changed



































Last updated