
The following functions search for the specified byte
     ea - address to start from
     flag is combination of the following bits:
Returns BADADDR - not found

#define SEARCH_UP       0x00            // search backward
#define SEARCH_DOWN     0x01            // search forward
#define SEARCH_NEXT     0x02            // start the search at the next/prev item
                                        // useful only for find_text() and find_binary()
                                        // for other Find.. functions it is implicitly set
#define SEARCH_CASE     0x04            // search case-sensitive
                                        // (only for bin&txt search)
#define SEARCH_REGEX    0x08            // enable regular expressions (only for txt)
#define SEARCH_NOBRK    0x10            // don't test ctrl-break
#define SEARCH_NOSHOW   0x20            // don't display the search progress

long find_suspop(long ea, long flag);
long find_code(long ea, long flag);
long find_data(long ea, long flag);
long find_unknown(long ea, long flag);
long find_defined(long ea, long flag);
long find_imm(long ea, long flag, long value);
long find_text(long ea, long flag, long y, long x, string str);
                // y - number of text line at ea to start from (0..MAX_ITEM_LINES)
                // x - x coordinate in this line
long find_binary(long ea, long flag, string str);
                // str - a string as a user enters it for Search Text in Core
                //      example:  "41 42" - find 2 bytes 41h, 42h
                // The default radix depends on the current IDP module
                // (radix for ibm pc is 16)

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