
Format value(s) as a C/C++ data initializers
     outvec - reference to the output object
              after the call will contain array of strings
     value  - value to format
     type   - type of the data to format
     options- optional object, which may have the attributes PTV_...
                     'ptvf' - combination of PTV_... constants:
                     'flags'      number representation (e.g. hex_flag(), dec_flags(), etc)
                     'max_length' max length of the formatted text (0 means no limit)
                     'arrbase'    for arrays: the first element of array to print
                     'arrnelems'  for arrays: number of elements to print
                     'margin'     length of one line (0 means to print everything on one line)
                     'indent'     how many spaces to use to indent nested structures/arrays
     info   - object to store additional information about the generated lines
              after the call will contain array of objects, each of which has: