
Get name at the specified address.
     ea        - linear address
     gtn_flags - how exactly the name should be retrieved.
                 combination of GN_ bits
returns: name

string get_name(long ea, long gtn_flags=0);

// GN_ bits for @hlpIdcget_name[get_name]() function.
// There is a convenience function calc_gtn_flags() to calculate the GN_LOCAL flag
#define GN_VISIBLE   0x0001     // replace forbidden characters by SUBSTCHAR
#define GN_COLORED   0x0002     // return colored name
#define GN_DEMANGLED 0x0004     // return demangled name
#define GN_STRICT    0x0008     // fail if cannot demangle
#define GN_SHORT     0x0010     // use short form of demangled name
#define GN_LONG      0x0020     // use long form of demangled name
#define GN_LOCAL     0x0040     // try to get local name first; if failed, get global
#define GN_ISRET     0x0080     // for dummy names: use retloc
#define GN_NOT_ISRET 0x0100     // for dummy names: do not use retloc

// Calculate flags for get_name() function
static calc_gtn_flags(from, ea)
  return func_contains(from, ea) ? GN_LOCAL : 0;

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