// Get number of breakpoints.
// Returns: number of breakpoints
long get_bpt_qty();
// Get breakpoint address
// n - number of breakpoint, is in range 0..get_bpt_qty()-1
// returns: address of the breakpoint or BADADDR
long get_bpt_ea(long n);
// Get the characteristics of a breakpoint
// address - any address in the breakpoint range
// bptattr - the desired attribute code, one of BPTATTR_... constants
// Returns: the desired attribute value or -1
long get_bpt_attr(long ea, number bptattr);
#define NO_PROCESS -1 // invalid process
#define NO_THREAD 0 // invalid thread
#define BPTATTR_EA 1 // starting address of the breakpoint
#define BPTATTR_SIZE 2 // size of the breakpoint (undefined for software breakpoint)
#define BPTATTR_TYPE 3 // type of the breakpoint
// Breakpoint types:
#define BPT_WRITE 1 // Hardware: Write access
#define BPT_READ 2 // Hardware: Read access
#define BPT_RDWR 3 // Hardware: Read/write access
#define BPT_SOFT 4 // Software breakpoint
#define BPT_EXEC 8 // Hardware: Execute instruction
#define BPT_DEFAULT (BPT_SOFT|BPT_EXEC) // Choose bpt type automatically
#define BPTATTR_COUNT 4 // number of times the breakpoint is hit before stopping
#define BPTATTR_FLAGS 5 // Breakpoint attributes:
#define BPT_BRK 0x001 // the debugger stops on this breakpoint
#define BPT_TRACE 0x002 // the debugger adds trace information when
// this breakpoint is reached
#define BPT_UPDMEM 0x004 // refresh the memory layout and contents before evaluating bpt condition
#define BPT_ENABLED 0x008 // enabled?
#define BPT_LOWCND 0x010 // condition is calculated at low level (on the server side)
#define BPT_TRACEON 0x020 // enable tracing when the breakpoint is reached
#define BPT_TRACE_INSN 0x040 // instruction tracing
#define BPT_TRACE_FUNC 0x080 // function tracing
#define BPT_TRACE_BBLK 0x100 // basic block tracing
#define BPTATTR_COND 6 // Breakpoint condition
// NOTE: the return value is a string in this case
#define BPTATTR_PID 7 // Breakpoint process id
#define BPTATTR_TID 8 // Breakpoint thread id
// Breakpoint location type:
#define BPLT_ABS 0 // Absolute address. Attributes:
// - locinfo: absolute address
#define BPLT_REL 1 // Module relative address. Attributes:
// - locpath: the module path
// - locinfo: offset from the module base address
#define BPLT_SYM 2 // Symbolic name. The name will be resolved on DLL load/unload
// events and on naming an address. Attributes:
// - locpath: symbol name
// - locinfo: offset from the symbol base address
// Breakpoint properties:
#define BKPT_BADBPT 0x01 // failed to write the bpt to the process memory (at least one location)
#define BKPT_LISTBPT 0x02 // include in bpt list (user-defined bpt)
#define BKPT_TRACE 0x04 // trace bpt; should not be deleted when the process gets suspended
#define BKPT_ACTIVE 0x08 // active?
#define BKPT_PARTIAL 0x10 // partially active? (some locations were not written yet)
#define BKPT_CNDREADY 0x20 // condition has been compiled
// ***********************************************
class Breakpoint
// Breakpoint type. One of BPT_... constants
attribute type;
// Breakpoint size (for hardware breakpoint)
attribute size;
// Breakpoint condition (string)
attribute condition;
// Scripting language of the condition string
// "IDC" for IDC, "Python" for Python etc. ('name' field of extlang_t)
// if empty, default extlang is assumed
attribute elang;
// Breakpoint flags. Refer to BPTATTR_FLAGS
attribute flags;
// Breakpoint properties. Refer to BKPT_... constants
attribute props;
// Breakpoint pass count
attribute pass_count;
// Attribute location type. Refer to BPLT_... constants.
// Readonly attribute.
attribute loctype;
// Breakpoint path (depending on the loctype)
// Readonly attribute.
attribute locpath;
// Breakpoint address info (depending on the loctype)
// Readonly attribute.
attribute locinfo;
// Set absolute breakpoint
success set_abs_bpt(address);
// Set symbolic breakpoint
success set_sym_bpt(symbol_name, offset);
// Set relative breakpoint
success set_rel_bpt(path, offset);
// Set modifiable characteristics of a breakpoint
// address - any address in the breakpoint range
// bptattr - the attribute code, one of BPTATTR_... constants.
// BPTATTR_COND is not allowed, see @hlpIdcBpts[Bpts]
// value - the attribute value
// Returns: success
success set_bpt_attr(long ea, number bptattr, long value);
// Set breakpoint condition
// address - any address in the breakpoint range
// cnd - breakpoint condition
// is_lowcnd- 0:regular condition, 1:low level condition
// Returns: success
success set_bpt_cond(long ea, string cnd, long is_lowcnd=0);
// Add a new breakpoint
// ea - any address in the process memory space:
// size - size of the breakpoint (irrelevant for software breakpoints):
// type - type of the breakpoint (one of BPT_... constants)
// Only one breakpoint can exist at a given address.
// Returns: success
success add_bpt(long ea, long size=0, long bpttype=BPT_DEFAULT);
// Delete breakpoint
// ea - any address in the process memory space:
// Returns: success
success del_bpt(long ea);
// Enable/disable breakpoint
// ea - any address in the process memory space
// Disabled breakpoints are not written to the process memory
// To check the state of a breakpoint, use check_bpt()
// Returns: success
success enable_bpt(long ea, long enable);
// Check a breakpoint
// ea - any address in the process memory space
// Returns: one of BPTCK_... constants
long check_bpt(long ea);
#define BPTCK_NONE -1 // breakpoint does not exist
#define BPTCK_NO 0 // breakpoint is disabled
#define BPTCK_YES 1 // breakpoint is enabled
#define BPTCK_ACT 2 // breakpoint is active (written to the process)
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