Here are the debugger commands:
See also
Opens the debugger window.
In this window, you can view the register values for the selected thread. The debugger always selects the thread where the latest debugging event occurred.
For most registers, we have two different boxes:
For a segment register, we only have one box indicating the current value.
For the flags register, we have one box indicating the current value, and small boxes indicating the status of the most important flags.
A popup menu is accessible everywhere in the window, which allows the user to show or hide different parts of the window: toolbar, thread list and available register classes.
See also Debugger submenu.
This command starts the process in the debugger. If the process was suspended, it will continue its execution. See also
This dialog box allows to specify different settings related to the process being debugged.
The hostname, port, and password are not available for debuggers connected locally to the computer. See also
This command pauses a running process. Please note that it is not always possible to pause a process executing the system code. See also
This command terminates the debugged process. See also
This command executes one assembler instruction at a time, stepping into functions. See also
This command executes one assembler instruction at a time, stepping over procedures while executing them as a single unit.
Internally, in the case of a function call, IDA setups a temporary breakpoint on the instruction following this function call. See also
This command executes instructions until the instruction under the cursor is reached.
Internally, IDA setups a temporary breakpoint on the instruction under the cursor. See also Debugger submenu.
This command executes assembler instructions and stops on the instruction immediately following the instruction that called the current function.
Internally, IDA executes each instruction in the current function until a 'return from function' instruction is reached.
See also
This command displays running processes corresponding to the disassembled file in the database and allows the user to choose a process to attach to.
See also
This command detaches the debugger from the debugged process. Note: this command is only available on Windows XP or Windows 2003 Server !
See also
This command sets the instruction pointer of the current suspended thread to the current cursor location.
This command displays the application screen.
It is useful for the text mode debugger.
When the debugged application runs in the same window as IDA itself, the application output is hidden by IDA windows. This command allows to see the application screen in this case.
To return to IDA display, press any key.
This command is available when the application is suspended or finished. See also Debugger submenu.
Host application to launch. When the debugging target (== 'input file') is an executable file, this field is equal to the 'input file'. If this field is wrong, IDA will not be able to launch the program. For remoting debugging, this field denotes a remote file.
Input file
The input file used to create the database. For remoting debugging, this field denotes a remote file.
Directory to start the application. If empty, then the current directory will be used. For remoting debugging, this field denotes a remote directory.
Optional parameters to pass to the debugged application (or the host application) when it starts. This field may be empty. The standard input/output/error channels can be redirected using the bash shell notations. For example: >output 2>&1
If entered, denotes the name of the remote host with the application to debug. In this case, a remote IDA server on this host must be launched. to see the list of remote servers.
The port number of the remote server
Optional password to protect your server from strangers connecting to it and running arbitrary commands. The same password switch must be specified on the remote server.
It is accessible only when the debugger is active and the process is suspended. See also .
Here are the commands to use the debugger watches (assembler level).
See also
Opens the assembler level watch list window.
In this window you can view memorized watches. A watch allows the user to continuously see the value of a defined item.
This command adds a watch at the current address. The watch is visible in the Watch list window.
This command deletes an existing watch.
Here are the commands to use the debugger breakpoints.
Related topics:
See also Debugger submenu.
Opens the breakpoints window.
In this window, you can view information related to existing breakpoints. Breakpoints are saved in the database, and restored as soon as possible (once the memory becomes writeable).
The 'Pass count' column indicates how many times the program needs to hit the breakpoint before being suspended (0 means "always suspend").
This command adds a breakpoint at the current address. If an instruction exists at this address, an instruction breakpoint is created. Otherwise, IDA offers to create a hardware breakpoint and allows the user to edit breakpoint settings. Hardware breakpoints can be either real hardware breakpoints or page breakpoints.
This command opens a dialog box to edit an existing breakpoint.
Condition This IDC expression will be evaluated each time the breakpoint is reached. If the expression returns true (non-zero), the debugger will execute the selected actions. Please note that you can use the register names in the IDC scripts when the debugger is active. Tests like this are allowed, for example: EAX == EBX+5 or get_wide_dword(ESP+0x10) == 34 You can also use the "..." button to enter a multiline condition, or specify another scripting language to use. See here for more info.
Low level condition: Evaluate the condition on the remote computer. Such conditions are faster, especially during remote debugging, because there is no network traffic between IDA and the remote computer on each breakpoint hit. More details
Refresh debugger memory: By default IDA does not refresh the memory config before evaluating a breakpoint condition. This option enables the refresh. To refresh it manually, call refresh_debugger_memory
Tracing type: Instruction, Function and Basic block level tracing types can be selected for breakpoints where enable/disable tracing have been selected. Hardware breakpoint size Number of bytes to watch: 1, 2 or 4 bytes for normal hardware breakpoints. Any size for page breakpoints. Hardware breakpoint mode
In the case of Intel hardware breakpoints, some limitations are enforced (in contrast with page breakpoints). It is impossible to create more than 4 hardware breakpoints. The address of the breakpoint must be aligned appropriately:
Please note that hardware breakpoints occur AFTER the instruction execution while software breakpoints occur BEFORE the instruction.
Usually, it is easier to use software breakpoints, except if:
See also
This command deletes an existing breakpoint at the current address.
Page breakpoints are memory access breakpoints that can be set to detect when the application reads, writes, or executes code/data in a specific memory range. Page breakpoints are very similar to hardware breakpoints but there is no limitation on the number of page breakpoints that can be set or their size, in contrast with normal hardware breakpoints.
Memory access breakpoints are implemented by removing page permissions according to the specified type of the page breakpoint to be added (for example, for a write page breakpoint, the write permission will be removed from the page). When the access violation exception occurs because the application tries to access the specific memory region, IDA reports a breakpoint hit.
As page breakpoints can be set for a small part of a memory page but the permissions of the whole page must be changed, page breakpoints can slow down the debugger because many access violation exceptions may be generated. If the application accesses memory outside of the desired range but on the same page, the generated exception must be silently handled and the application resumed. Specifically, page breakpoints in the code segment can slow down the debugger very much.
Memory access breakpoints are supported since IDA version 6.3 for the following debuggers:
Open the breakpoints window if needed, then find current breakpoint in it.
You can use the "Condition" field of the breakpoint properties to enter an expression which is evaluated when the breakpoint is hit. It can be either an actual condition or just any valid code in IDC or another supported scripting language syntax. By using the "..." button, you can open a multi-line editor for the condition and switch the scripting language used for evaluating it.
See also
Low level breakpoint conditions can be used to speed up the debugger. They are evaluated like this:
In both cases, there is a significant speed up. This improvement imposes some limitations on the breakpoint condition:
only IDC expressions can be used for low level conditions
only functions marked as 'thread-safe' may be called
only entire registers can be accessed (e.g. EAX is ok but AL is not) Essentially this means that the only available functions are:
Low level breakpoint conditions are available only for Win32, Linux, Mac, and Android debuggers.
This window shows the contents of a source code file. IDA automatically opens source views provided that proper mapping of the source code paths is specified in "Options, Source paths".
This window may also display a decompilation result because it is considered as a source code. This can be useful if the source files are not available.
In this window the user can view values of selected variables.
Global variables (data item names) as well as variables that are local to the current function can be added by pressing Ins.
Expressions can be added to the view as well, they will be considered as IDC expressions.
Expressions may have a type cast at the beginning. For example
means that the contents of the memory at the address 0x12345678 should be displayed as an integer. Note: to display strings use "char[]" as the typo.
This window displays the values of the variables that are local to the current functions (register and stack based).
Here are the commands to use the tracing features of the debugger.
Saved binary trace files can be loaded, saved and replayed with the new replayer debugger module, diffed against other traces (to spot differences between executions) or displayed in a proximity view (displaying the execution call graph).
Opens the 'Tracing' window.
During the execution, the list of traced events is disabled, as it couldn't be continuously synchronized with the execution without rendering the whole tracing very slow.
If a '=' character is displayed in the 'Thread' and 'Address' columns, it indicates that the trace event occurred in the same thread and at the same address as the previous trace event.
Load a binary trace file in the 'Tracing' window.
Show a dialog with additional options for managing trace files.
This command displays a window with all the available commands to manage trace files.
Show the description of a binary trace file.
This command displays a window with the description of a selected binary trace file and allows to edit it.
Diff the currently loaded trace against a recorded trace.
This command displays a window to select a trace file to diff against the currently loaded trace, displayed in the 'Tracing' window.
Delete a binary trace file from disk.
This command displays a window to select a recorded trace file to delete from disk.
Import a binary trace file from a different IDB.
This command allows to import binary trace files recorded for an IDB with a different MD5. For example, it can be used to load recorded traces from a malware sample which is practically the same, but differs in a few bytes.
Export to a binary trace file all events displayed in the 'Tracing' window.
Export to a text file all events displayed in the 'Tracing' window
Show the callgraph of the loaded trace in a proximity view.
This command displays the callgraph of the currently loaded trace in a proximity view.
This command starts instruction tracing. You can then use all the debugger commands as usual: the debugger will save all the modified register values for each instruction.
Internally, the debugger runs the current thread step by step to properly obtain all the required register values. This explains why instruction tracing is slower than a normal execution.
This command starts function tracing. You can then use all debugger commands as usual: the debugger will save all addresses where a call to a function or a return from a function occurred.
Internally, the debugger runs the current thread step by step to properly detect all function calls and returns. This explains why functions tracing is slower than a normal execution.
This command starts basic block tracing. You can then use all debugger commands as usual: the debugger will save all addresses where a temporary basic block breakpoint was reached.
Internally, the debugger runs the current thread normally, setting temporary breakpoints in the last instruction of every basic block of every function referenced from the current function and also at any call instruction in the middle of the traced basic blocks.
Basic block tracing is slower than normal execution but faster than instruction or function tracing.
This command adds a write trace to the current address.
In fact, write traces are nothing more than breakpoints with special properties: they don't stop and they simply add a trace event when the breakpoints are reached.
This command adds a read/write trace to the current address.
In fact, read/write traces are nothing more than breakpoints with special properties: they don't stop and they simply add a trace event when the breakpoints are reached.
This command adds an execution trace to the current address.
In fact, execution traces are nothing more than breakpoints with special properties: they don't stop and they simply add a trace event when the breakpoints are reached.
Internally, the debugger will add a breakpoint instruction at the given address.
Opens the stack trace window.
This window displays the function calls that brought the current instruction.
The top of the Stack Trace window lists the last function called by the program. Below this is the listing for the previously called functions. Each line indicates the name of the function which called the function represented by the previous line.
Double clicking on a line jumps to the exact address of the instruction realizing this call.
Currently, IDA uses the EBP frame pointer values to gather the stack trace information. It will fail for functions using other methods for the frame.
This dialog box allows you to specify different settings related to the tracing features.
Trace buffer size
Trace file
Trace directory
Stop condition
memorize the return address associated with the last executed call instruction in database segments (the previously saved one is overwritten).
setup a temporary breakpoint on this address once the IP is in a debugger segment or library function, disable step by step, and run the thread.
reenable step by step once this temporary breakpoint is reached.
Instruction tracing
Function tracing
Basic block tracing
In this window the user can view values of selected variables.
Global variables (data item names) as well as variables that are local to the current function can be added by pressing Ins.
Expressions can be added to the view as well, they will be considered as IDC expressions.
Expressions may have a type cast at the beginning. For example
means that the contents of the memory at the address 0x12345678 should be displayed as an integer. Note: to display strings use "char[]" as the typo.
This command copies the contents of the process memory to the database. It is available during a debugging session.
The memory contents will be copied to the database. The user may specify that only the segments with the 'loader' attribute will be saved in the database.
The segments with the loader attribute are created by the input file loader and usually contain information from the input file. However, in some cases (like attaching to an existing process), there will not be any loader segments because the input file was not loaded by IDA.
After applying this command, the user can terminate the debugging process and continue to analyze the program in the database.
Please note that it is possible to save the database without taking a memory snapshot. Such a database might be used to keep global information about the program like the breakpoint information, notes, etc. However, we recommend to take a memory snapshot of at least the 'loader' segments because it will allow to save also information about the program functions, names, comments, etc.
This command open a window with manual memory regions. In this window the user can manipulate memory region definitions: add or delete them.
Some debugger backends (e.g. the gdb backend) do not provide memory layout information. IDA needs this information in order to show the memory contents. When this information is not available, the user must specify it.
The defined memory regions will be accessible when the debugger is active. The user will be able to see the memory contents in the disassembly windows.
If no memory information is provided by the user nor by the debugger backend, IDA will assume that entire memory space is accessible. However, it is better to specify memory layout more precisely.
This command refreshes the segments and memory contents in IDA. It is available only during a debugging session. NOTE: this command is currently hidden from the user interface because IDA does synchronize with the process memory automatically.
Please note that IDA itself tries to keep the program segments in sync with the debugged process. However, in order to accelerate the debugger, the synchronization is done only at major events, for example when dynamic library gets loaded or unloaded or a thread is created or deleted. If the memory configuration is changed because of a simple system call (think of VirtualAlloc), IDA might miss it. Use the "refresh memory" command in these cases.
Note2: when IDA detects a discrepancy in the segments, it will automatically synchronize with the process.
See also .
Recorded traces can be managed from the . Traces are saved in a directory specified in the dialog.
In this window, you can view some information related to all traced events. The tracing events are the information saved during the execution of a program. Different type of trace events are available: , and , or .
This command displays all the saved trace files that correspond to the MD5 of the current IDB and allows the user to load one of them. The traces can be replayed with the , inspected manually in the disassembly view or displayed as a callgraph in a proximity view.
If highlight options are enabled in , instructions from the currently loaded trace will be displayed with the background "main color" and instructions from the diff trace file will be displayed with the "diff color". Common instructions will be highlighted with an average of the two.
This command exports to a binary trace file the current trace being displayed in the . The trace can be loaded later, removed or diffed against other trace files.
This command exports the current trace being displayed in the to a text file.
This command removes all trace events from the . It also removes any loaded trace file used for against the currently loaded trace.
When you click on an instruction trace event in the 'Tracing' window, IDA displays the corresponding register values preceding the execution of this instruction. In the 'Result' column of the , you can also see which registers were modified by this instruction. By using this information, you can for example quickly determine which instruction modified a specific register, or you can even backtrace the execution flow. Note that the IP register is never printed in the 'Result' column, although it is usually modified by almost any instruction (except perhaps some prefixed instructions like REP MOVSB, ...).
Each time the given address will be accessed in write mode, the debugger will add a trace event to the .
Internally, the debugger will add a hardware breakpoint on the given address, so all the restrictions for are also valid for write traces.
Each time the given address will be accessed in read or write mode, the debugger will add a trace event to the .
Internally, the debugger will add a hardware breakpoint on the given address, so all the restrictions for are also valid for read/write traces.
Each time the instruction at the given address will be run, the debugger will add a trace event to the .
This expression will be evaluated before the execution of each instruction. If the expression returns true, the debugger will suspend the execution. Please note that you can use register names in the condition.
Enabling these options will speed up the execution, as many instructions (from debugger segments and/or library functions) will not be traced. Disabling these options can quickly fill the , as all instructions in DLLs and system functions will be executed step by step. Notice that both options influence the way instruction and function tracings will work. Internally, the debugger proceeds like this:
See also
To be able to make a partial snapshot in this case and other similar cases, the user can set or clear the 'loader' attribute of the desired segments using the command.
See also .
See also .
Opens the modules window.
This window lists all the modules loaded by the debugged process. Double click on a module to see the list of its exported names.
The right click menu allows for loading debug information for the current module. For that, select the "Load debug symbols" command from the popup menu. If IDA manages to find and load the corresponding debug information file, it will import all symbols from it into the database. Currently, only PDB files are supported. The operation result is displayed in the message window. See also Debugger submenu. Load PDB files command.
Opens the stack trace window.
This window displays the function calls that brought the current instruction.
The top of the Stack Trace window lists the last function called by the program. Below this is the listing for the previously called functions. Each line indicates the name of the function which called the function represented by the previous line.
Double clicking on a line jumps to the exact address of the instruction realizing this call.
Currently, IDA uses the EBP frame pointer values to gather the stack trace information. It will fail for functions using other methods for the frame. See also Tracing submenu.
This dialog box allows to setup how the debugger will react to specific exceptions. For each exception, two settings can be specified, simply by selecting the desired exception, and clicking the 'Edit' button in the popup menu.
Suspend program
Passed to
For new exceptions being added by the "Insert" command, you have to specify the exception name and code. These values must be unique, the name cannot be empty, and the code cannot be zero. See also Debugger submenu.
This dialog box allows to specify different settings related to the debugger.
Event condition
If selected, the debugger will try to reconstruct the chain of stack frames, based on information available on the stack and in the function stack variables.
Edit exceptions
This button allows the user to setup how the debugger will react to specific exceptions.
Reload exceptions
See also Debugger submenu.
This command allows the user to select a debugger if there are several debuggers available for the current database. For example, Window32 program can be debugged with a remote or a local debugger.
Opens the threads window.
In this window, you can view all the threads of the debugged process. Double clicking on a thread jumps to its current instruction (available only if the process has been suspended). Double clicking also changes the current thread for the hlpHelpDebugger[CPU] window.
The right click brings a popup menu, where you can suspend or resume threads. The following thread states are possible:
See also Debugger submenu.