IDA’s functionality can easily be extended by the use of programmable plugins. Plugins may be written to automate routine tasks, for example, to enhance the analysis of hostile code or to add specific functionality to our disassembler. You can write plugins in C++ with our SDK or in Python with IDAPython API.
Key plugin capabilities:
Integration with hotkeys: plugins can be linked to specific hotkeys or menu items for quick access
Access to IDB: they have full access to the IDA database, allowing them to examine or modify the program or use Input/Output functions.
Examples shipped with IDA C++ SDK: Our SDK contains +60 sample plugins, including decompiler plugins (you can find them all inside the SDK directory, in the plugins
folder), as well as source code to processor modules, loaders, and header files. You can download the latest version of IDA SDK from Download Center in My Hex-Rays portal, under SDK and Utilities.
Plugins shipped with your IDA instance: Explore the plugins
directory in your IDA installation folder for plugins shipped out-of-the-box. You can run them through Edit -> Plugins submenu or via hotkeys.
Hex-Rays community plugins: To access a vast collection of community-developed plugins, visit our plugins repository. Here, you can explore additional plugins you may want to install, submit your own, and even participate in our annual plugin contest.
Other resources:
Independent Plugin List from various resources.