The Linux debugger has the following particularities and limitations:
- The debugger server can handle only one IDA client at a time
- By default, the 64-bits debugger will try to load "" and "" in order to help with stack recovery.
- ARMLinux: hardware breakpoints are not supported
- ARMLinux: The THUMB mode is not supported
- Configure the debugger specific options (for 64 bits only) in Debugger Options, Set specific options.
See also
The WinDbg debugger plugin uses Microsoft's Debugging Engine COM interfaces from the Debugging Tools package.
To use the WinDbg debugger plugin, the following steps must be carried out:
Please download the latest debugging tools from
The WinDbg debugger plugins has the following features:
- Symbol information: If the symbol path is configured properly, then the debugger engine will fetch debug symbols from the appropriate location (symbol server, cache, etc...) For example, setting the following environment variable before starting IDA: _NT_SYMBOL_PATH=srv*c:\pdb_cache*
- Dump files support: It is possible to load into IDA dump files generated either manually (using the ".dump" command) or crash dumps generated from a crashed process or kernel. Please refer check the windmp file loader reference.
The WinDbg debugger can be used to debug local programs as well as remote programs. This is controlled via the connection string in the "Process Option" dialog. If it is left blank,it means that a local debugging is in effect. Otherwise, a debug engine compatible connection string is expected. IDA will display an error message if the connection string could not be accepted: in that case, try using the same connection string with "cdb", or "windbg" and see if it works.
The WinDbg debugger module adds a new menu item: Debugger, WinDbg command. It can be used to send arbitrary commands to the debugger engine. The command output is displayed in the message window.
On macOS, the suggested approach is to use Remote debugging with one of the mac_server* binaries that are shipped with IDA - even when debugging apps on your local machine.
Using a standalone debug server application makes it easier to get around the codesigning and debugging restrictions that are built into macOS. Note that this is also the approach used by lldb. Internally lldb uses a dedicated debugserver that implements the core debugger engine - so IDA does the same.
It is possible to use the Local Mac OS X Debugger in, but you must run IDA as root.
For a deeper dive into macOS debugging, see our tutorial:
See also