With FLIRT Signature Bundle, designed to be used with IDA Feeds (aka FLIRT Signature Manager), you can analyze thousands of signatures and bulk apply them to your binary.
The bundle contains signatures for modern languages like Golang and Rust, as well as updates for classic compilers. The latest version of the FLIRT Signature Bundle can be downloaded from My Hex-Rays portal under SDK and utilities.
Flirt Signature Bundles will be regularly updated and released independently whenever there is a new compiler, language, or library release.
Versions: stable versions from 1.10.0 to 1.23
Operating Systems: Linux, Windows, MacOS
Architectures: arm64 (Windows, Linux, MacOS), arm (Windows, Linux, MacOS), x86 (Windows, Linux) , x86-64 (Windows, Linux)
Windows (MSVC):
Architectures: arm, arm64, i386, amd64
Packages: ATL, CTL, MFC, Windows SDK 10, Windows SDK 11
Distribution: Ubuntu & Debian
Architectures: i386, amd64, arm64, armhf, armel, arm, s390x, mips64el, mipsel, mips, ppc64el
Packages: libc6, libselinux1, libpcre2, libidn2, libssl, zlib1g, lib32z1, libunistring, libcurl4-gnutls, libcurl4-nss, libcurl4-openssl, libnghttp2, libidn2, librtmp, libssh, libssh-gcrypt, libpsl, libldap, libzstd, libbrotli, libgnutls28, nettle, libgmp, comerr, libsasl2, libbrotli, libtasn1-6, libkeyutils, libffi, uuid, libprotobuf, heimdal-multidev, musl, libplib, libsdl1.2-bundle (libsdl-console, libsdl-sge, libsdl1.2, libsdl-ocaml, libsdl-image1.2, libsdl-kitchensink, libsdl-mixer1.2, libsdl-net1.2, libsdl-sound1.2, libsdl-ttf2.0, libsdl1.2-compat, libsdl-gfx1.2, libsdl-pango), libsdl2-bundle (libsdl2, libsdl2-gfx, libsdl2-image, libsdl2-mixer, libsdl2-net, libsdl2-ttf) Rust
Versions 1.77 to 1.81
Architectures: arm64, arm, x86, x86-64
Operating Systems: Linux, Windows, MacOS
Compilers: GCC, LLVM, MSVC