This command open a window with manual memory regions. In this window the user can manipulate memory region definitions: add or delete them.
Some debugger backends (e.g. the gdb backend) do not provide memory layout information. IDA needs this information in order to show the memory contents. When this information is not available, the user must specify it.
The defined memory regions will be accessible when the debugger is active. The user will be able to see the memory contents in the disassembly windows.
If no memory information is provided by the user nor by the debugger backend, IDA will assume that entire memory space is accessible. However, it is better to specify memory layout more precisely.
See also Debugger submenu.
This command copies the contents of the process memory to the database. It is available during a debugging session.
The memory contents will be copied to the database. The user may specify that only the segments with the 'loader' attribute will be saved in the database.
The segments with the loader attribute are created by the input file loader and usually contain information from the input file. However, in some cases (like attaching to an existing process), there will not be any loader segments because the input file was not loaded by IDA.
To be able to make a partial snapshot in this case and other similar cases, the user can set or clear the 'loader' attribute of the desired segments using the edit segment command.
After applying this command, the user can terminate the debugging process and continue to analyze the program in the database.
Please note that it is possible to save the database without taking a memory snapshot. Such a database might be used to keep global information about the program like the breakpoint information, notes, etc. However, we recommend to take a memory snapshot of at least the 'loader' segments because it will allow to save also information about the program functions, names, comments, etc.
See also Debugger submenu.
This command refreshes the segments and memory contents in IDA. It is available only during a debugging session. NOTE: this command is currently hidden from the user interface because IDA does synchronize with the process memory automatically.
Please note that IDA itself tries to keep the program segments in sync with the debugged process. However, in order to accelerate the debugger, the synchronization is done only at major events, for example when dynamic library gets loaded or unloaded or a thread is created or deleted. If the memory configuration is changed because of a simple system call (think of VirtualAlloc), IDA might miss it. Use the "refresh memory" command in these cases.
Note2: when IDA detects a discrepancy in the segments, it will automatically synchronize with the process.