Create an instruction at the specified address
ea - linear address
returns: 0 - can't create an instruction (no such opcode, the instruction would
overlap with existing items, etc)
otherwise returns length of the instruction in bytes
long create_insn(long ea);
Make function frame
ea - any address belonging to the function
lvsize - size of function local variables
frregs - size of saved registers
argsize - size of function arguments that will be purged
from the stack upon return
returns: ID of function frame or -1
If the function did not have a frame, the frame
will be created. Otherwise the frame will be modified
long set_frame_size(long ea, long lvsize, long frregs, long argsize);
Get the NAME of a thread
idx - number of thread, is in range 0..get_thread_qty()-1
or -1 for the current thread
returns: required info
string getn_thread_name(long idx);
Do flags contain byte value? (i.e. has the byte a value?)
if not, the byte is uninitialized.
#define has_value(F) ((F & FF_IVL) != 0) // any defined value?
set a function attribute
ea - any address belonging to the function
attr - one of @hlpIdcget_func_attr[FUNCATTR_...] constants.
value - new value of the attribute
returns: 1 - ok
0 - failed
success set_func_attr(long ea, long attr, long value);
Create a local variable
start, end - range of addresses for the local variable.
For the stack variables the end address is ignored.
If there is no function at 'start' then this function.
will fail.
location - the variable location in the "[bp+xx]" form where xx is
a number. The location can also be specified
as a register name.
name - name of the local variable
returns: 1-ok, 0-failure
success define_local_var(long start, long end, string location, string name);
Alphabetical list of IDC functions
The following conventions are used in the function descriptions:
'ea' is a linear address
'success' is 0 if a function fails, 1 otherwise
'void' means that function returns no meaningful value (always 0)
'anyvalue' means that function may return value of any type