Here is the disassembly with no structures defined, as IDA automatically generates it:
@print_clients$qp6client proc near
ptr = word ptr 4
push bp
mov bp, sp
push si
mov si, [bp+ptr]
jmp short loc_1_32
loc_1_19: ; CODE XREF: print_clients(client *)+24j
mov ax, si
add ax, 5
push ax
push word ptr [si+3]
push word ptr [si+1]
mov ax, offset aId4ldName32s
push ax
call _printf
add sp, 8
mov si, [si+25h]
loc_1_32: ; CODE XREF: print_clients(client *)+7j
or si, si
jnz loc_1_19
pop si
pop bp
@print_clients$qp6client endp
Defining structures
In order to use meaningful names instead of numbers, we open the structure window and press insert to define a new strcture type. Structure members are added with the D key for data and the A key for ASCII strings. As we add new structure members, IDA automatically names them. You can change any member’s name by pressing N.
client_t struc
code db ?
id dd ?
name db 32 dup(?)
next dw ?
client_t ends
Improved disassembly
Finally, the defined structure type can be used to specify the type of an instruction operand. (menu Edit|Operand types|Struct offset).
@print_clients$qp6client proc near
ptr = word ptr 4
push bp
mov bp, sp
push si
mov si, [bp+ptr]
jmp short loc_1_32
loc_1_19: ; CODE XREF: print_clients(client *)+24j
mov ax, si
add ax,
push ax
push word ptr []
push word ptr []
mov ax, offset aId4ldName32s
push ax
call _printf
add sp, 8
mov si, []
loc_1_32: ; CODE XREF: print_clients(client *)+7j
or si, si
jnz loc_1_19
pop si
pop bp
@print_clients$qp6client endp